फिशर: कारण, लक्षण एवं आयुर्वेद चिकित्सा Fissure Ayurvedic treatment causes symptoms Hindi

हल्‍दी वाला दूध पीने के 7 लाभ
Health benefits of Dates/खजूर in Hindi


फिशर: कारण, लक्षण एवं आयुर्वेद चिकित्सा

Fissure : Causes, Symptoms and Ayurveda treatments

डॉ नवीन चौहान,

BAMS , CRAV (क्षार सूत्र)

कंसल्टेंट आयुर्वेद फिजिशियन व गुदा रोग सर्जन


फिशर के बारे में डॉ नवीन चौहान की वीडियो देखें !

क्या होता है फिशर? What is a fissure?

आमतौर पर गुदा से संबधित सभी रोगों को बवासीर या पाइल्स ही समझ लिया जाता है, लेकिन इसमें कई और रोग भी हो सकते हैं। जिन्हें हम पाइल्स समझते  हैं। ऐसा ही एक रोग है फिशर। इसे आयुर्वेद में गुदचीर या परिकर्तिका भी कहते हैं। इस रोग में गुदा के आसपास के क्षेत्र में एक चीरे या क्रैक जैसी स्थिति बन जाती है, जिसे फिशर कहते हैं।


फिशर होने के कारण : Causes of Anal Fissure


फिशर होने का मूल कारण मन का कड़ा होना या कब्ज़ का होना है। जिन लोगों में कब्ज़ की समस्या होती है, उनका मल कठोर हो जाता है, जब यह कठोर मल गुदा से निकलता है तो यह चीरा या जख्म बनाता हुआ निकलता है। यह प्रथम बार फिशर बनने की  संभावित प्रक्रिया है।

कब्ज़ के बारे में और अधिक जानने के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें!


फिशर के लक्षण: Symptoms of anal fissure


फिशर से पीड़ित रोगी को टॉयलेट जाते समय गुदा द्वार (Anus) बहुत अधिक दर्द होता है, यह दर्द ऐसा होता है जैसे किसी ने काट दिया हो, और यह दर्द काफी देर तक (2-4 घंटों) बना रहता है। कभी कभी तो पूरे दिन ही रोगी दर्द से परेशान रहता है। इस रोग के बढ़ जाने पर रोगी को बैठना भी मुश्किल हो जाता है। दर्द के कारण इससे पीड़ित रोगी टॉयलेट जाने से डरने लगता है।
कभी कभी गुदा में बहुत अधिक जलन होती है, जो कि कई बार तो टॉयलेट जाने के ४-५ घंटे तक बनी रहती है।
गुदा में कभी कभी खुजली भी रहती है।

फिशर के 1 साल से अधिक पुराना होने पर गुदा के ऊपर या नीचे या दोनों तरफ सूजन या उभार सा बन जाता है, जो एक मस्से या जैसे खाल लटक जाती है, ऐसा महसूस होता है। इसे बादी बवासीर या सेंटीनेल टैग (sentinel tag or sentinel piles) कहते हैं। इसको स्थायी रूप से हटाने के लिए सर्जरी या क्षार सूत्र चिकित्सा की जरुरत होती है. यह दवाओं से समाप्त नहीं होता।
टॉयलेट के समय खून कभी कभी बहुत थोडा सा आता है या आता ही नहीं है। यह खून सख्त मल (लेट्रीन) पर लकीर की तरह या कभी कभी बूंदों के रूप में हो सकता है।


किसे होती है फिशर होने की अधिक संभावना? Who suffers more from Anal fissure?

फिशर की बीमारी स्त्री, पुरुष, बच्चों, वृद्ध, या युवा किसी भी ऐसे व्यक्ति को हो सकती है, जिसे कब्ज़ रहती हो या मल कठिनाई से निकलता हो। ज़्यादातर निम्न लोगों को ये बीमारी होने की संभावना अधिक होती है : –

  • ऐसे लोग जिन्हें बाजार का जंक फूड जैसे पिज्जा, बर्गर, नॉन वेज, अत्यधिक मिर्च-मसाले वाला भोजन खाने का शौक होता है
  • जो पानी कम पीते हैं
  • जो ज़्यादातर समय बैठे रहते हैं और किसी भी प्रकार का शारीरिक श्रम नहीं करते
  • महिलाओं मे गर्भावस्था के समय कब्ज़ हो जाती है जिससे, फिशर या पाईल्स हो सकते हैं। फिशर सामान्यतः भी महिलाओं में पुरुषों की अपेक्षा अधिक होता है।

कैसे बचा जा सकता है फिशर से? How to prevent Fissure ?

 चूंकि फिशर होने का मूल कारण कब्ज़ व मल का सख्त होना होता है। अतः इससे बचने के लिए हमें भोजन संबंधी आदतों में ऐसे कुछ बदलाव करने होंगे जिससे पेट साफ रहे व कब्ज़ ना हो।  जैसे: –
  • भोजन में फलों का सेवन
  • सलाद व सब्जियों का प्रचुर मात्रा में नियमित सेवन करना
  • पानी और द्रवों का अधिक मात्रा में सेवन करना
  • हल्के व्यायाम, शारीरिक श्रम, मॉर्निंग वॉक आदि का करना
  • छाछ (मट्ठे) और दही का नियमित सेवन करना
  • अत्यधिक मिर्च, मसाले, जंक फूड, मांसाहार का परहेज करना


क्या है फिशर का आयुर्वेद इलाज़? Ayurvedic treatment for Fissure


फिशर की तीव्र अवस्था में जब फिशर हुए ज्यादा समय न हुआ हो और कोई मस्सा या टैग न हो तो आयुर्वेद औषधि चिकित्सा से काफी लाभ मिल सकता है. साथ साथ यदि गर्म पानी में बैठकर सिकाई भी की जाए और खाने- पीने का ध्यान रखा जाये तो फिशर पूरी तरह से ठीक भी हो सकता है. आयुर्वेद में त्रिफला गुग्गुल, सप्तविंशति गुग्गुलु, आरोग्यवर्धिनी वटी, चित्रकादि वटी, अभयारिष्ट, त्रिफला चूर्ण, पंचसकार चूर्ण, हरीतकी चूर्ण आदि औषधियों  का प्रयोग रोगी की स्थिति के अनुसार किया जाता है. इसके अतिरिक्त स्थानीय प्रयोग हेतु जात्यादि या कासिसादि  तैल का प्रयोग किया जाता है.

पुराने फिशर में यदि सूखा मस्सा या सेंटिनल टैग फिशर के जख्म के ऊपर बन जाता है तो उसे हटाना आवश्यक होता है. तभी फिशर पूरी तरह से ठीक हो पाता है. टैग को हटाने के लिए या तो सीधा औज़ार या ब्लेड से काट देते हैं या क्षार सूत्र से बांधकर छोड़ देते हैं, 5 -7  दिनों में टैग स्वतः कटकर निकल जाता है. एक अन्य विधि जिसे अग्निकर्म कहते हैं, भी टैग को काटने के लिए अच्छा विकल्प हैं. इसमें एक विशेष यंत्र (अग्निकर्म यंत्र) की सहायता से टैग को जड़ से आसानी से अग्नि (heat ) के प्रभाव से काट दिया जाता है.

सेंटिनल टैग के निकलने के बाद चिकित्सक द्वारा गुदा विस्फ़ार (anal dilation ऐनल डाईलेशन) की कुछ सिट्टिंग्स देनी पड़ती हैं तथा कुछ औषधियाँ भी दी जाती हैं. क्षार सूत्र  अग्निकर्म चिकित्सा से फिशर को पूरी तरह ठीक होने में लगभग 15 से 20 दिन लग जाते हैं.


इस लेख को धैर्य के साथ पढ़ने के लिए धन्यवाद ! आशा है आप इसे पढ़कर अवश्य लाभान्वित होंगे. यदि आपके मन में कोई शंका या प्रश्न है तो आप कमेंट में अवश्य पोस्ट करें.


Thanks for patiently reading this article. I hope Fistula patients will be benefited by these tips. If however, you still have any query/doubt regarding your disease, you can e-mail me at consult@ayurvedapilescure.com

Author: Dr. Naveen Chauhan

Consultant Ayurveda Physician and Anorectal surgeon


Phone : +91-9818069989
हल्‍दी वाला दूध पीने के 7 लाभ
Health benefits of Dates/खजूर in Hindi


479 responses to “फिशर: कारण, लक्षण एवं आयुर्वेद चिकित्सा Fissure Ayurvedic treatment causes symptoms Hindi”

  1. Raj Suryavanshi Avatar
    Raj Suryavanshi

    I have this problem for last 2 years but no relief I have spent lots of money please tell me about ayurvedic treatment

    1. Dear Mr. Suryavanshiji,
      Since you already took many medication, I will suggest to consult an Ayurveda specialist. You can visit Shri Dhanwantari Clinic, Ghaziabad or go to a nearby Ayurveda Proclologist.

      1. I have nothing idea I what to do I don’t fesar hii ya badi bawasir dawa batayege plz jo jldi se jarr se thik ho jaye plz

        1. You need to visit our center for a check up and to plan proper treatment with our specialist doctor. Kindly call our helpline 7861888100 for more details.

      2. Sir Fissure me single kshar sutra se apply karne se thik ho jata hai ya 3-4 kshar sutra badalna padta hai

        1. In most cases Fissure requires only single sitting but in few cases there may be need of changing the kshar sutra 2 to 4 times.

    2. प्रदीप यादव Avatar
      प्रदीप यादव

      डाक्टर साहब, मुझे लगभग 7-8 माह से फिशर की समस्या है। मैंने बहुत ईलाज करवाया पर कोई फायदा नहीं हुआ है। और अब उसमें से थोड़ी थोड़ी मवाद भी आने लगी है।खून नहीं आया। अभी जलन होती है।

      1. Khemchand Avatar

        सर मुझे बहुत दिन से फिसर की समस्या है बहुत ईलाज कराया है पर ठीक नही हो रहा है। डाक्टर ने सर्जरी की सलाह दी है। मुझे शायद बचपन से ही ये problem है। क्योंकि मैं जो दर्द ओर परिस्थिति को महसूस करता हूँ वो बचपन से ही है। कृपया उचित मार्गदर्शन दीजिए ।

        1. Check up is needed to confirm the diagnosis and to suggest any treatment. Long lasting fissure may need surgery if not responding to medicines.

          1. Sir Anal Mein Sujan Ka
            Ilaj Bataye Na

          2. गर्म पानी में बैठकर सेक कीजिये। आराम मिलेगा। स्थायी इलाज के लिए हमारे विशेषज्ञ डॉक्टरों से समय लेकर मिलिए। हमारा हेल्पलाइन नंबर है 7861888100

          3. Sir mere potty m se White White niklta hai woh kya hai

          4. म्यूकस या पस हो सकता है.

      2. Darshan soni Avatar
        Darshan soni

        Sir mera name rekha soni he Sir Muja 3 months hoo raha he fiaser din bhear jalean hota he leaken koi Ahram nahi he

        1. Avoid spicy food. Drink coconut water. Eat yoghurt. Go for a nearest experienced doctor for a check up.

          1. Suresh Motiyani Avatar
            Suresh Motiyani

            Sir mujhe Fisher hai ayurveda mein dressing kari hai koi fayda nahi hai

        2. suresh Avatar

          सर सरजरी और झार सूत्र में बेहतर कया रहता है

          1. kshar sutra treatment is better than conventional surgery.

          2. Sir mujhe Fisher hai mein ayurveda mein dressing karai hai mujhe koi fayda nahi hua

      3. Rinku Raj Avatar
        Rinku Raj

        Pls suggest in my fissure prob

        1. Already there are many tips for Fissure. Download diet charts for free from here http://www.ayurvedapilescure.com/downloads.php

      4. Garam pani me shek karo..

        1. Sir mujha 2,3 din sa ,,ya taklif h,,bs toilet jna m hi ya problem hota h,aur usma pressure hona pr bhr nhi nikl pta,,bhut taklif ho rha h

      5. Babita singh Avatar
        Babita singh

        Doctor, sir mujhe bees sal se fissure ki samasya hai . do bar operation bhi kara chuki hoon kuchh din aaram raha parantu abhi guda raste me bahut jalan ho rahi hai . endoscopy,clonoscopy & MRI karaya to Doctor ne operation ki salah dee hai kya yah sahi rahega krpya sujhav dijiye.

        1. Whether there is need of surgery or not can only be told after a check up.

    3. sir.mere ko 2-3 day ho gya h dard hote huye ko mere phle kabhi itna dard nahi huaa mene to socha sayad chilli jyada khane se ho skti h magr mene net par jankari dekhi to pta chla sayad kucha rog ho sita h sir. ab me kya karu dard bhut ho rha h

      1. Dear Raman Sharma !

        You can call on our Helpline no. 07861888100.

        Aap Hamare Helpline number par call karke kabhi bhi hamare expert doctor se bat karke apni problem se judi jankari ya sujhav le sakte hain.


        1. Kalpana Avatar

          I want to talk with you about fisshr

          1. You can call our doctor at helpline number 7861888100 on all weekdays between 10am to 6pm.

        2. neha ganveer Avatar
          neha ganveer

          Thank u so much

    4. Satyendra Kumar Gangwar Avatar
      Satyendra Kumar Gangwar

      Apka Massage read kiya bahut kuchh jankari apse mili, Mind satisfied hua, and jo precautions deiy h uneh use karunga, shayad yeh problems theek ho jay.

      thank you

    5. suman kumar Avatar
      suman kumar

      Sir..maine injection lagya tha piles ka…ab anus k right side m ek niddle k chuven jaise feel hota h kya kare…

      1. इंजेक्शन ट्रीटमेंट से कई बार टिश्यू हार्ड हो जाता है. जिसकी वजह से ऐसी चुभन हो सकती है. चेक अप के बाद ही सटीक निदान और चिकित्सा संभव है. धन्यवाद !

    6. Anupinder Avatar

      Nux Vomica 30 Homeopathic Medicine

    7. Sir mujha 2,3 din sa ,,ya taklif h,,bs toilet jna m hi ya problem hota h,aur usma pressure hona pr bhr nhi nikl pta,,bhut taklif ho rha h

  2. I m suffering from this from past 3 months what to do I don’t know

    1. Take dietary precautions http://www.ayurvedapilescure.com/blog/diet-for-constipation-pileshemorrhoids-anal-fissure-and-fistula-in-ano-ano-rectal-patients-as-per-ayurveda/

      Take Sitz bath http://www.ayurvedapilescure.com/blog/sitz-bath-a-wonder-remedy-in-anorectal-problems/

      If still problem persists, visit a nearby Ayurveda Proctologist or visit our centre in Ghaziabad for check-up and proper treatment.

      1. Sir mera pet saph nahi hota hai aur gas hamesa pet me ruka rahta hai gas se pet kabhi khali hi nahi hota hai piles bhi hai aur masa bhi hai bahut sara dava kiya hu per koi sudhar nahi ho raha hai bahut paresan hu please koi upay bataye aur sajesan bhi de

        1. Avoid constipation. Visit your nearest Ayurveda specialist doctor for check up and treatment.

  3. sandeep Avatar

    Sir I mean to say you. Tag sintial ko remove karne ke liye kya karna hoga jo bilkul thoda h but bleeding but hata h

    1. Sentinal tag ko remove karne ke liye kshar sutra ligation kar sakte hain. But apke case me bleeding ki wajah sentinel tag na hokar kuch aur bhi ho sakti hai……… Check up ke baad hi bataya ja sakta hai sahi sahi….

  4. pratigya sharma Avatar
    pratigya sharma

    Dar Sir,
    I have fissure problem from last 6 years.now it has been increase .i could not bear this pain and itching.3 to 4 times i have check through different surgan and they told me its fissure not piles.i have many other medicvine aarshkalp and p-6 capsule and other hl medicine which suggest by doctors.but i m in very bad condision.pls suggest me what to do . its remove through surgury or medicine.

    1. Kindly visit our clinic for a check-up.

  5. सर नमस्कार मेरा नाम असफाक हे उम्र 35 वर्ष मुझे लेट्रिंग के फूल के पास करीब 1 इंच दुरी पर गादी में 1 गांठ जैसा कुछ हो गया हे ऊपर से प्लेन हे लेकिन अंदर से कुछ चुभता हे आस पास दर्द भी रहता हे सर कुछ समाधान बताइये

    1. Garam paani me baithkar sikaayi kijiye……. baaki dekh kar bataya jaa sakta hai.

  6. पवन Avatar

    सर मुझे फिशर में घाव हो गया है मैं बनारस बी यच
    यू आयुर्वेद में11 माह से इलाज कर रहा हूँ क्या मैं सही जगह हूँ

  7. 1.5 mahine se fissure aur sentinal piles hai kya bina dard charsutra se fissure ka ilaaz life time ke liye ho sakta hai plz plz reply

  8. Anubhav sharma Avatar
    Anubhav sharma

    Hello sir mujhe 1 mahine se fissure ki bimari or fresh hone k baad jalan or dard bahut hota h…so plz consultant sir…

    1. Kindly call our appointment booking number 9818069989 or email us at consult@ayurvedapilescure.com

    2. sir muje 2 ,3 din se toylet jane pr drd ho raha h ..or muje kbz rehta h bhout jada .2 mhine huye h delivry ko .0lz kuch b5aiye jad se khtm ho jaye kbz ki

    3. sir muje 2 ,3 din se toylet jane pr drd ho raha h ..or muje kbz rehta h bhout jada .2 mhine huye h delivry ko .0lz kuch b5aiye jad se khtm ho jaye kbz ki problm

      1. Sitz bath lijiye. humare helpline number pe call kijiye7861888100

  9. दिलीप कुमार Avatar
    दिलीप कुमार

    मुझे एक माह से फिशर है मेरा उम्र 35 साल है ।काफी दर्द होता है शौच के समय सही सलाह दे।

    1. Have Warm Sitz Bath two times a day. For details please follow this link; http://www.ayurvedapilescure.com/blog/sitz-bath-a-wonder-remedy-in-anorectal-problems/#.VkR3qtIrJdg

      If still problem persists visit a nearby Ayurveda Proctologist or visit our centre. Our address link is: http://ayurvedapilescure.com/contact-us.php

    2. sunny chugh Avatar
      sunny chugh

      Dr.sahab mujhey 2-3 sall se fichula ki bimari hai mujhey opp.se bhut derr lagta hai meri back per 1 ganth hai aur 3 jagay se pas niklti rehti hai is k miley mujey sahi jankari day mera whasapp no. sunny

      1. Please call our helpline numbers 7836964120, 7861888100 all week days between 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Dr. Hemant or Dr. Mishra will assist you. Ifyou wish to come clinic the address link is http://www.ayurvedapilescure.com/contact-us.php Don’t forget to take an appointment. Thanks and regards, Dr. Chauhan

    3. Sir muje 1 month se fisher hi dard hota hi toilet ke time waise koi problem nahi hi kya karna chaye

      1. apko doctor se milkar checkup karana chahiye..

  10. Meri guda me left side me chubhan or jalan si hoti hai or guda me mass ke under chhoti si gaanth si mahsoos hoti hai jo khaal ke under hai, kya ye fissure hai, ya koi or bimari hai, ye kese thik hoga

    1. यह फोड़ा या भगन्दर (फिस्टुला) हो सकता है. कृपया किसी अनुभवी आयुर्वेद शल्य चिकित्सक जो क्षार सूत्र में अनुभव रखते हों, उनसे मिलिये. यदि आप हमारे क्लिनिक आना चाहते हैं तो पते के लिए यहाँ क्लिक कीजिये: https://www.ayurvedapilescure.com/contact-us.php

    2. Aapko aapki bimari ka pta chla ki kya h same problem mijhe h

  11. sir,
    mujhe 2011 mai external piles ki problem hui thi tab maine hydrocli ka injection lagwaya tha par last month se phir se problem start ho gayi hai.maine arshkalp ka bhi use kar liya par koi bhi benefit nhi hua. plz app mujhe suggestion dijiye ki mai kya karu kyunki mai operation nhi karwana chahta hu. plz sir help me.

    1. Dear Mr. Ravi,
      Without proper check-up it’s not possible to predict whether you can be cured by medicines alone or need some surgical procedure. Kindly visit a nearby specialist doctor or you can visit our centres too. Our addresses link; http://www.ayurvedapilescure.com/contact-us.php

  12. Bharat Avatar

    Sir I am suffering fissure dease I want to know the cost of your treatment

    1. Fissure can be cured by medicines and diet management alone without any procedure. So, cost can’t be predicted unless there is an examination of individual case. Please visit our centres after booking an appointment at 7861888100 to have a check up and plan proper treatment.

      Our address link is; http://www.ayurvedapilescure.com/contact-us.php

  13. Namste sir
    sir fissure problem me jatyadi oil hamesa laga sakte hai ya jab tak problem Ho tab tak.

    * Abhyarist aur liv52 kab tak le sakte hai. Jisse ya problem Future me Kabhi na Ho.

    * pain ko kam karne ke liye kya le.

    1. Jatyadi oil local application ke liye use kar sakte hain. Diet management pe dhyan dijiye

      1. Rahul Avatar

        Sir mujhey fisher hai main isse bahut preshan hu

    2. Sarvesh Avatar

      Sir mal tyag ne k baad each or Jalan hoti hai is ka kya Karan ho sakta hai pls bataiye or Ayurvedic medicine me kya le sakte h yah bhi pls bataiye this is a request for u

  14. muze sirf 15 Din se fissure problem, kya operation abhi karna padega

  15. 15 दिनो से फिशर प्राॕब्लेम है। क्या अभी अॉपरेशन करना पडेगा

  16. अजय मिश्र Avatar
    अजय मिश्र

    सर हमें 2 वर्ष पहले फिशर की प्रॉब्लम हुई थी,अब फिर से प्रॉब्लम है बाहर से कुछ नहीं दिखता लेकिन अंदर बहुत ज्यादा दर्द है ,हल्का सा गिल्टी टाईप में सूजन है,कृपा करके बताये

    1. आपको चेक अप करवाना पड़ेगा मिश्रा जी…. हमारा पता है क्लिक कीजिये ; https://www.ayurvedapilescure.com/contact-us.php

  17. narender Avatar

    सर मुझे बवासीर के मस्से बनने के साथ साथ गुद्दा के पीछे की साइड एक दरार बन गई और खून आना सुरु हो गया, मैने बवासीर का रो इलाज करा लिया लकिन दरार नई भरी, और दर्द होता रहता है, म एक विद्यार्थी हु तो बैठने काम जयादा रहता ह, म पिछले 4 महीने से परेशान हु,मुझे कुछ इलाज बताइये।।
    मैने चौधरी ब्रमप्रकाश आयुर्वेदिक हॉस्पिटल नजफगढ़ में दिखाया ह,वो धागा लगाने की कह रहे ह,क्या वो ठीक होगा ???
    मुझे सल्लाह दे।।।।

    1. बिना देखे कुछ भी कहना मुश्किल है.

    2. sir mujhe 2 sal se fissure hai mai kya karu sir

      1. contact us at 9818069989

        1. Banti Avatar

          Sir I mujhe 7 din ho gye h jalan hoti h or shota sa Dana bhii h
          Kya ye thi ho skta h

  18. Peashant nagpurkar Avatar
    Peashant nagpurkar

    Namaste dr. sir maine abhi fissure ka opration kiya hai agar khane pine pe control kare to pir se opration karne ki jarurat nahi padedi . aur kane pine ki diet ke bare me muze mere email par tips denge to mai aap ka aabhari rahunga namaste

  19. karan Avatar

    mughe pain ho rha hai 3-4 din se maine dr se salah li hai vo injection lagvane k bol rha tha to maine mna kiya to usne tab di hai or 1 capsule 10 din kha lo aaram aajatabhai thk h vrna injectin se shi ho jayega fr mai kya kru

    1. Don’t go for injection. Call our helpline number 7861888100. https://www.ayurvedapilescure.com/contact-us.php

  20. savya Avatar

    Muje privous year feb se fecees me blood ki prblm hai…bt pta nhi piles hai ya fissure..

    1. After check up it can be told that whether it is piles or fissure.

    2. vikas kumar pandey Avatar
      vikas kumar pandey

      Muje aisa lgta hai ki mere waist se lekar niche ka part loose ho gya hai aur anus ke pas pain hota hai aur anus door ke pas gutaly ho gya hai aur dono hip ke bich gap jyada ho gya hai.kabi2 penis ke niche vein me jalan mahsus hota hai

  21. savya Avatar

    Sir mene ek ayurvedic dr ko dikhaya b tha…to unhone muje fissure btaya..bt us tym tag b tha…unhone 4 weeks ki medicine b di..jiske baad bahut acha relif mila or blood ki prblm or anus weightless b feel hone lga..means k ek baar to prblm sb solve ho gyi…bt wapas ho gyi prblm…bt ab tag to feel nhi hota…bt jab kbi kbi constipation hota hai to feces k sath or last me 3/4 drops blood ki niklti hai..
    To sir pls muje koi acha sa treatmnt btao..bcz ab thodi weakness b hone lgi hai..

    Sir pls pls pls…muje to itna bta dijiye k ye piles hai ya only fissure..
    Fissure piles me b convert ho jata hai kya..

    Nd sir pls iska koi treatmnt b btaiye…
    Bcz muje bahut tention b hoti hai..jb blood niklta hai to…

    Pls sir help me

    1. Avoid constipation. Follow a strict dietary schedule. Call our helpline number 7861888100 to speak to our doctors.


  22. Amrinder Avatar

    Sir muje fisur hai, jab main toelt jata ho to phele gass aur pani ata hai phir bad main bhut takleef hoti hai kya asa fiseure ke karn hota hai.

  23. pawan kumar Avatar
    pawan kumar

    sir i have very itching on guda its are increse at the night and after some time its gives some irritation on guda please give be usefull advice….i will be thankfull to u

  24. Ayur singh Avatar
    Ayur singh

    Dear Sir I am suffering from fissure from 5 days . 15-20 drops of blood comes when I go for fresh (letrin). Suggest me any medical treatment.. Or any domestic treatment..

  25. Saharan Avatar

    Sir plz help me …. I have ulcerative colities from last 3 years …colitis is under control I take vegaz od 1 tab ….but from last one year,I have anal fissure , after colonoscopy doc said your colites is normal but u have anal fissure… In this case, white liquid come in stool lit bit red blood mixed. After 5-7 days it wud be fine for 5-6 days and later white liqid come back wid blood mix. Doc said its nothing no worry u just take vegaz od for colites and sits hot bath for anal fissure…m worried I hav tried aaurvedik medican such asharkalp, triphala churna, guggulu, it’s doesn’t work same condition but I try apple venegar juice and alove veera juice it’s really works but symptoms come back after few days….. Sir doc reports is normal but why this white liqied and blood comes plzzzz help me

  26. jatin katheriya Avatar
    jatin katheriya

    सर, मुझे फिशर की शुरुआत है।एक बंगाली डा0 कहता है कि दवाई से ही ठीक कर दूँगा। एलोपेथिक सर्जन कहता है की अभी गर्म पानी से सिकाई करो बाद मे ओ टी कर देंगे।अयुरवैदिक ड0 कह रहे है कि क्षारसूत्र से ठीक कर देंगे।अपना सुझाव दीजिए।

  27. vishal prajapati Avatar
    vishal prajapati

    Sir muje ek mahine sehi yeh problem he ki jab toilet jata hu to apne bataya vesehi blood nikalta he to kya trifla churn lene se thik ho jayega …or uska istemal kese karna he bataye pleas

  28. pankaj Avatar

    muje fishar hai ya piles samajh nhi aa rha, mera pet saaf 10% bhi nhi hota.

  29. sunil kumar Avatar
    sunil kumar

    mujhe kafi din ho gye kabhi kbhi mujhe
    dard hone lgta h to ye fishar hi h kya sir..
    or jab kabhi mai jyada der tak baitha rahta hun to thodi der baad dard hone lagta
    or shouch karne ke baad bhi hota h
    pahle nhi hota thha abhi 2 mahine se
    ek bar mere ko tight latrin aayi thhi sir
    tabhi se ye problum aa rhi h sir

    to please sir……….
    upaaye bataiye kya kru…

  30. अंकिता उपाध्याय Avatar
    अंकिता उपाध्याय

    सर मेरी पत्नी को भी फिशर की समस्या लगभग 1 माह से है ड़ा साहब ने एक हफ्ते की दवाई दी है और कहा है कि आराम न होने की स्थिति मे आपरेशन करना पड़ेगा ।।क्या हमे आपरेशन करवाना चाहिए ।

    1. Only a few cases of fissure require surgery. Can be told after check up.

  31. Sarvesh Avatar

    Sir mal tyag ne k baad each or Jalan hoti hai is ka kya Karan ho sakta hai pls bataiye or Ayurvedic medicine me kya le sakte h yah bhi pls bataiye this is a request for u

  32. Sir meri Guda ke raaste se pani (chipchipa pani) ka risav hota rehta hai..maine medicine bhi khayi hai aur tub bath bhi liya hai regular basis par ..par ye khatam nahi ho raha hai..doctor ko dikhaya hai wo keh rahe hai ki andar ke raaste ek Foda type ka kuch ho gya hai jo fut gya hai usse hi risav ho raha hai……kya ho sakta hai ye…..mujhe kisi trah ka dard nahi hota…..but ye chipchipe pani ka risav hota rehta hai…..

  33. ravindra Avatar

    महोदय जी मेरे पेट मे हमेशा कबज बना रहता है जिसके कारण मेरे मल दार मे कुछ मससा जैसा हो गया है कया यह फीसर हो सकता है

  34. sandeep Avatar

    sir muje 10 din se letring me blood aa rha h kafi.
    doctor ko dikhaya to usne fishr btaya. Kya ye dwai lene se thik ho skti h ya fir opration hi iska shi ilaz h ?
    Dr ne kha h ki opration k baad dobara kbhi nhi hogi . Muje ye phli baar hui h.
    Please sir aap btaiye muje kya krna chahiye.

  35. Sir toilet ke time dard hota h plz help kijiye

    1. Have sitz bath. Go to nearest specialist doctor.

  36. दर्शन सिंह Avatar
    दर्शन सिंह

    डॉ साब मुझे बादी बवासीर है अब मुझे सफ़ेद पानी जैसा लिक्विड आता है क्या यह फिशर है अगर है तो कोई दवाई या इलाज बताई प्लीज

  37. keshav sharma Avatar
    keshav sharma

    Hello sir mujhe 1 years se fissure ki bimari or fresh hone k baad jalan or dard bahut hota hai sms hospita jaipur me docter ko bhi dikhaya unone kuch medican di ti fir tich ho gaya ha 2 ya 3 mahine me dubara dard start ho jata hai please help me sir

    1. kindly visit our centre for check up and treatment. For appointment please call helpline 7861888100. Thanks

  38. मेरा लडका ५ साल का है ३,४दीन के बाद मल तागता हैै वेभी गेली लगानेके बाद कारन क्या

  39. Sir mujhe 2009 se ye problem h lek in pregnancy k time chek karwa to surjen ne fissure batana h mere gud a marg p ek khal lathis hui h jab kab ji hot I h to blood aana h or pain hot a h doctor ne operation k liye mana kiya h aap bataou kya kar u m bhaut pares an hu

    1. Have sitz bath Avoid constipation by having a proper diet management. If you still have any question in your mind, call our helpline 7861888100. Thanks.

      1. DR. Sahb mujhai fishure hai blood ni aata dard hota hai fresh hone k baad treatment bhut kiya but koi relief ni mila.. Pls help me

        1. Fissure can be treated by medicines and dilation. kindly visit for a check up to plan proper treatment. For other help please call 7861888100

  40. opendra Avatar

    सर मैने 2014 मे फिसर का ऑपरेशन करवाया था अब3-4 दिन से तेज जलन और दर्द हो रहा बैठना भी मुश्किल हो रहा है प्लीज ईलाज बताये बढीया

  41. सर मेरी गुदा की एक साइड मे एक मसा बन गया है इस मै दुखन भी होती है सर कोई इलाज बताये

    1. Have sitz bath. Check up is needed for planning treatment.

  42. Ankit Kumar Avatar
    Ankit Kumar

    सर मुझे करीब एक वर्ष से फिशर है मैंने डॉक्टर को भी दिखाया उन्होंने कुछ दवा और चूर्ण दिया है..और डाइट की सलाह दी है..ऑपरेशन के लिए भी कहा था..सर मैं बाहर का फ़ास्ट फ़ूड बहुत खाता था पर पिछले 20 दिनों से सादा खाना और त्रिफला चूर्ण ले रहा हूँ.. क्या ये सिर्फ डाइट से ठीक होगा ये ओपेराशन कराना पड़ेगा? मार्गदशन करे सर

  43. Sir apka clinik kha pr he mai apse milna chahta hu

    1. Meme abhi opresan karaya h dard nii h pr jb maltyag karte tb jalan hotin10 mjnit k 4 din hoye opresan ke sir kitne din dard hoga dr keh rahe iske bad kabhi nii hoga

      1. Post operative discomfort and pain may lasts for about 5 to 10 days. Have sitz bath. Take a good laxative to avoid hard stool.

  44. रितेश पाण्डेय Avatar
    रितेश पाण्डेय

    सर मुझे भी फिसर है।कुछ मेडिसिन बताने का कष्ट करे।अभी फिसर हुए8 दिन हो गए

  45. Sir muje fessur ki problme h opretion krvaya v goli le rha hu 15 din ho gaye abhi bhi dard h aram padne m kitne din lagte h

  46. Panna lal soni Avatar
    Panna lal soni

    Sir mujhe Fissur ki problem hai. Plz sir kuch ilaj btaiye Sara din drd rhta h. Mera bethne ka kam h. Kya kru sir plz help…

  47. sir ma 14 years ka bachha hu … sir mare anus ke andar ki taraf bohot dard hota h ….doctor kehte h ki wound hh … sir bohot dard hota h or jalan be hote hh … koi salah dejiya

    1. Sitz bath lijiye. Constipation ko avoid karne ke liye diet management lijiye.

      1. sir ma sitz bath be le rha huu…. wound be bhar gya hh par … mane notice kiya ki jaha wound hua tha vha ek mota sa dana ho gya h … or aj bowel movement ke doran bohot jada bleeding hue hh bohot jada ……or jabke mereko constipation be ni h … sir plzz kuch to salah dijeye ….. sir please!!

        1. Bina check up ke kuch treatment nahi suggest kiya ja sakta. Check up is necessary to diagnose the disease and to plan treatment. For more information please call our helpline number 7861888100 thanks.


    आेपरेसन कराने के बाद भगंदर हो जाता है। क्या ये सही है मेरी उम्र 34 वर्ष है बहुत दबा खाई बहुत पैसा खर्च हुआ कोई फायदा नही हुआ मुझे 10 साल से है।

    1. yes theek ho jata hai kshar sutra treatment se.

  49. sir ap se bs ek salah lene hh …… mere anus par pehle ek funsi jasa hota h vo fut jata h bleeding ho jate hh ….. ab ma zakam brne ki medicene le rha hu .. 2 din bad he ek or funsi ho gya ho gye or bleeding ke lye tayar hh …. ase bar bar kya ho rha h sir …. koi bimari lagte h apko … sir plzz help me …..

    1. May be abscess or Fistula. Can be told after a check up.

  50. K.S.Rathour Avatar

    नमस्कार डॉक्टर साहब
    मेरा नाम कौशलेन्द्र सिंह है
    मुझे जुलाई से गुदा में जलन एबं दर्द है
    कृपया कुछ उपाय बताएं
    क्या ये बबासीर है या फिर फिसर है दर्द बहुत ज्यादा रहता है

    1. It can be Fissure or proctitis. Can be told only after proper examination. Kindly call our helpline 7861888100 for more details. Thanks.

  51. सर मुझे Rectam में जलन होती थी और कभीकभार Bleeding भी हुई मैनें एक surgeon को दिखाया तो उन्होंने Fistula के लिये diagnosed किया और 2-3 दिन कि दवा देके operation के लिये कहा फिर मैनें एक आयुर्वेदिक चिकित्सक को दिखाया तो उन्होंने ने बताया कि मुझे anal fissure हैं और दो मस्से भी बन गय है और 6-7 दिन की आयुर्वेदिक दवाईयां दी है पर आज मुझे दवाई लिये हुए 2 दिन हो गए हैं पर मेरी तकलीफ बढ़ गई है। मल त्याग करते समय तथा उसके बाद अत्यधिक दर्द और जलन हो रही है।

    आप ही बताइए कि मैं क्या करूं?

    1. push 5 ml of coconut oil inside your anus through a 5ml syringe without needle. Avoid excess spicy and chillies. you may need sitz bath that will help you.

  52. सूरज Avatar

    सर मुझे अभी एक हफ्ते से बहुत सख्त मल आ रहा था फिर एक दिन खून भी आया अभी क्या किया जा सकता है सारा दिन बैठने का काम है प्लीज़ कोई उपाय बताये

    1. Eat fruits like papaya, apple and have plenty of liquids to avoid hard stool and constipation. If still problem persists pls call our helpline 7861888100. Download free diet chart from this website link is http://www.ayurvedapilescure.com/downloads.php

  53. Kriss patel Avatar
    Kriss patel

    Dr. Saheb
    Mujhe 3to4 din se fiser Ho gya Ho Aeisa lag rha he to ku6 ilaj btayege plz.

  54. sir me ab thoda bohot thik hu….. mane ek surgeon se apna anal part check karaya unone bola ki ek zakam h anus ke pas or jald he bhar jaiga … lekin sir ma sitz bath be le rha hu par jb ma potty karta hu tab anus nd rectum me bohot jalan hote h …. sir koi upay bta dejeye… thank you sir

  55. Dear Sir,

    hum ayurvedic doctor se proper ilaz karwa rahe hai and usne masse bhi remove kar diye hai but abhi bhi guda dwar par jo zakhm hai vo proper thik nhi ho rahe hai jo during toilet pain karte hai bahut but kuch time baad pain thik ho jata hai. so please suggest me ki hum aisa kare ki zakhm jaldi thik ho jaye.

  56. Dr sab mujhe letrin ka preshar banta hai tab sui jesi chuban Hoti hai mujhe blood bhi nahi aata or piles bhi nahi hai phir ye Kya problem hai iska upay bataye

    1. Check up is needed to confirm the disease.

  57. Dr sahab mujhe bhi fisher ki samsya he… wah jagah pe bahut dard hota he aur me Beth bhi nhi sakta 2-3 mahine me ek bar ye prob ho rahi he..best upchar ayurved hoga ya alopatic ?

    1. Treatment is possible by Ayurveda but you need to visit face to face consultation with doctor.

  58. आशुतोष Avatar

    सर लगभग एकसाल से फिशर नामक रोग से पीडित हूॅ होम्योपैथिक दवा ले रहा हूॅ आराम नही गुदाद्वार मेमलत्याग के समय दर्द होता है । समस्या निवारण हेतु उपाय बताने का कष्ट करे। क्या लखनऊ मे आपकी कोई शाखा है क्या?

    1. You can visit our lucknow collaborating centre at Vikas nagar. For more details please call our helpline 9818069989

  59. Ravikumar Avatar


  60. shahabuddin Avatar

    doctor sahab mujhe guda me khujli bahut jyada hoti he raat ko so bhi nahi pata hu pls koi ilaj bataye pls pls

    1. You can apply mustard oil at your anus. If still problem persists, you may call our helpline 7861888100 for having an appointment with our doctor. Thanks.

  61. Sir kya ismein market me bikne wala hydrogen laga sakte hai?

    1. No, It may increase the pain in Fissure.

      1. Thanks sir but please suggest me

  62. Sir mene ek tupe liya hai ek medical stor se abhi thoda aram h toh kya yeh fissser kuch dino me thik ho jayega?

  63. Sir sarso ka oil ya til ka oil kon sa zyada kargar hoga ki mere gudha ka ghav jaldi thik ho jay kyoki subha ya sham mal tyagne me bahut pain hota hai. Sir hum ek tupe bhi use kar rahe hai. Jisse thoda sa Aaraam mila hai.

  64. सर मेरी उम्र 27 साल हैं 6 साल पहले फिसर हुआ था, लम्बी दवाई के बाद उस समय फिर भी छोटी गॉठ जैसी मलद्वार के पास रह गयी थी. बीच में सामान्य रहॉ कभी कभी ज्यादा गर्म चीजें खाने पर ही दिक्कत करती थी लेकिन अभी पिछले दो तीन दिनो से फिर दर्द कर रहॉ हैं sir please help me !

    1. Dear Akhilesh ji !

      You can call on our Helpline no. 07861888100.

      Aap Hamare Helpline number par call karke kabhi bhi hamare expert doctor se bat karke apni problem se judi jankari ya sujhav le sakte hain.


  65. dear sir
    mene checkup karwaya tha to doctor ne fissure bataya hai 20 din ho gye
    abhi 2 din se guda ke bahar halki swelling ho gyi hai jis se dard hota hai

    1. Dear Deepak ji!

      You can call on our Helpline no. 07861888100.

      Aap Hamare Helpline number par call karke kabhi bhi hamare expert doctor se bat karke apni problem se judi jankari ya sujhav le sakte hain.


  66. Sir mene fisser ka opretion bhi karva diya but abhi bhi mal tiyagti hu ta dard hota h operation ko march m do saal ho jayenge karaye hue

    1. Dear Rinku ji!

      You can call on our Helpline no. 07861888100.

      Aap Hamare Helpline number par call karke kabhi bhi hamare expert doctor se bat karke apni problem se judi jankari ya sujhav le sakte hain.


  67. Sir mene fissur ka operation bi karvaya do saal ho gye karvaye hue or abhi bhi letrin jati hu to dard hota h khun vagera ni atta h bas dard h to esa q ho ra h pls reply sir

    1. Have sitz bath. Proper check up is necessary to suggest any treatment. Feel free to call our helpline 7861888100 for more details. Thanks.

  68. sir. mere ko 2-3 dino se dard ho rha h mene 4din phle mirch jyada kha li thi magar ye mirch ki Jalan nahi h kyo ki toilet jate time mere ko khun aata h dard itna h ki toilet Jane ko man hi nahi krta

    1. It may be Fissure. Check up is necessary to suggest any treatment. Please call our helpline 7861888100 for more details.

  69. Rupesh Khinchi Avatar
    Rupesh Khinchi

    Sir Myself Rupesh and I am from Bhilwara (Rajasthan) i have fisher problem from one month.
    so please suggest ayurvedic doctor in bhilwara or near my area.

    1. We don’t have any branch. You may visit our centre in Ghaziabad if you wish. Thanks.

  70. Sir please me bahut pareshan hu 4 5 din thik or pure mahine pareshan itna dard rahata he Ki bahut Jada koi salha de….

    1. Sitz bath will help you. Download diet charts from here http://www.ayurvedapilescure.com/downloads.php

  71. Sir me 16 yrs ka hu or mujhe fissure ho gaya tha jo abhi thik ho gaya hai par mere mal tyagne ke bad dard hota hai or kabhi kabhi sara din hota h par me roj sitz bath nahi l sakta please reply me

    1. Have sitz bath at least two times a day. Avoid junk and spicy food. Eat papaya. Download diet charts for free from here http://www.ayurvedapilescure.com/downloads.php

  72. Ganesh Patil Avatar
    Ganesh Patil

    सभी फिशर पिडीत लोग डॅाक्टर कि सलाह के साथ साथ शुद्ध अलवेरा ज्युस का सेवन करे और जख्म पर भी लगाये बहुत तुरंत आराम मिलता है,यह मेरा अनुभव है,मै पुरि तरह स्वस्थ हुवा हु आठ दिन मे।।

    1. Kya ap shi bol rhe h

  73. Sir mri letring ki jagah pr Ek bada si gaat h Phle Wo 1 inch dur thi ab PS h aur Phle 1 gaat thi fir dono side ho gye suru m Ek cat tha Fir Dana hua Uske bad gaat bn gye

    1. It can be an infected chronic fissure. Exact diagnosis and treatment is possible only after proper check up.

  74. Sir mujhe mal tyagne k bad jln rhti yh 7 8 din se horha h koi upay hoto btaiye

    1. Apply coconut oil at anus after going to toilet.

  75. Thnkx sir our me triflachurn bhi lerhi hu ise thik hojayega kya

  76. Sir
    Mujhe 1 month ho gya hai mujhe letrin jane ke bad bahot dard hota hai jalan bhi hoti hai dard pure din rahta hai dr.ne check up ke bad bola hai ki ointment lgao.na kuch asar ho to surgery karva lo.par aap batao aisa treatment nahi hai surgery bina jisse fissures thik ho jaye.sitting se pain bahot hota hai.

    1. Fissure bina surgery theek ho sakta hai but you have to visit our centre for treatment. Our specialist doctor will give you some medicines and some dilations sittings. Please call our helpline number 7861888100 to have an appointment with our specialist female doctor.

  77. Mere 10din se mal ke sath khun niklata haibhut jyada jalan bhi rhti hai smsya ka nirtar btaye

    1. Bleeding can be due to Piles or due to fissure. Check up is needed to confirm.

  78. Sir mujhe Fissure ho gaya h jab anus par jakham hota hai to uske 3_4 दिन pehle se us jagah sujan si aaj जाती h or kuch samay bad thik bhi ho jata hai but essa ku ho raha hai jabki stooles soft ho rahe hai or kabz bhi nahi hai. Sir kya alovera juice pine se kuch samay me thik ho jayga kyuki mujhe piles nahi hai or sir hum sikai karte hain bottle se sir kya me kuch samay m thik ho jayega

    1. Treatment can be told after check up. Call our helpline 7861888100 for more details.

  79. Mujhe 45 days se fissure hai aur skin bhe nikal aae hai thordi bleeding hote hai .alopethic medicine le pr koi adat nhi hua. Ayurvedic bhe le koi adat nhi hua. Mai surgery nhi krana chahte. Kya kru

    1. Have sitz bath. Avoid constipation. Chronic deep fissure associated with sentinel tag (hanged skin) may require kshar sutra treatment. You need a check up. Please call our helpline number 7861888100 to speak to our doctor and to have an appointment.

  80. Sir mujhe gude davr k bht upr left side undr se chubh rha h asa lg rha h our upr se plen h kya ap bta skte h ye kya h

    1. It can be due to an incompletely healed Fissure. Anything can be told only after proper examination. Kindly call our helpline 7861888100 for more details. Thanks.

  81. alok verma Avatar
    alok verma

    sir mujhe fissure hua tha ab guda me sujan hai aur 24 hour jalan rehti hai.please koi suggestion de.

    1. Drink Nariyal paani. Avoid spicy food and chillies.

  82. Sir mujhe Fissure tha par thik hone ke bad ab mere Gudha bhag me sujan jessa lagta hai sikai karta hu thodi der thik rehta hai fir dard Poty karne me dard nahi hota par maas bahar nikal jata or dard karta h

    1. Check up is necessary to diagnose the problem and to plan proper treatment.

  83. Sir me ye Janna chahta hu ki agr kisi ko fissure ke symptoms ho to kya wo cancer bhi ho skta hi

  84. sir mere guda me khal si latakti hai aur mawad bhi aata hai.koi suggestion de.

    1. It can be chronic infected fissure or fistula. Check up is necessary to suggest the proper treatment. Please call our helpline 7861888100 for more details. Thanks.

  85. sir mere guda me khal si latak jati hai aur mewad bhi aata hai mujhe fissure hua tha aur din bhar jalan rehti hai.pls suggestion de.

    1. It can be Fissure with sentinel tag. You may need surgery or kshar sutra treatment. Please call our helpline 7861888100 for further assistance.

  86. Singh karan Avatar
    Singh karan

    Mere anus me aur anus k pass kharish ki problem hai 30 day se..
    Kharish krte krte jalan b hoti hai.
    Koi upchaar btaaye .

    1. Anal itching can be due to local infection or allergy. Maintain good hygiene. Visit a nearby Ayurveda doctor. For further assistance please call our helpline 7861888100

  87. sir mere kavi lkavi toliet se blood niklta he , tolet krne me jalan hoti he. plz koi upay btaye,, plsssssssssss

    1. Avoid non-veg, fast and spicy foods completely. Eat fruits like papaya and Guava. Drink plenty of water and coconut water sometimes. For further assistance please call our helpline 7861888100. Thanks.

  88. sir mere guda me moti khal ki tarah sujan ho gayi hai.24 hour jalan hoti hai.
    sitz bath bhi leta hu par koi aaram nhi hua.koi suggestion de please.

    1. It can be fissure with sentinel tag. Check up is necessary to confirm the disease and to plan proper treatment. Please call our helpline 7861888100 for further assistance.

  89. doctor fissure thik hojane bad dobara na ho uske koi upay btaiye

    1. Diet management to keep your digestive system healthy is the key to prevent the recurrence of fissure disease. You can download sample diet charts from this webisite. http://www.ayurvedapilescure.com/downloads.php

  90. Sir mujhe bahot dino se fissure ki problem hai aur medicine se theek nahi ho raha hai aur masa ban gaya hai any proper solution for me.

    1. You need surgery or kshar sutra treatment. Please consult a nearby doctor face to face for a check up. You may call our helpline number 7861888100 if you wish to visit our centre.

  91. Meri delivery k baad mujhe kbji ho gyi thi ..jo ab bwasir ka roop le liya h medicines se bhi thik nhi ho rhi h ..jo bdti ja rhi h

    1. Avoid constipation. Have sitz bath. Please call our helpline 7861888100 for having an appointment with our lady doctor.

  92. Sudhir pintu Avatar
    Sudhir pintu

    Sir..hard constipation hone se blood aa gaya ….2 ,3 se lagatar blood aa raha hai poti ke time Mai thodi jalan bhi rahti hai.blood thoda sa poti Mai lag ke aata hai.kiya Kare Sir.

    1. Eat papaya. Avoid spicy and non veg food. Drink plenty of water and fluids like Nariyal paani, Buttermilk. If still problem persists please visit our centre at VAishali, Ghaziabad. Our helpline number 7861888100

  93. Sir mere guda me charo traf se sujan type se hai sir mere toilet ke samay mal nikalne se phle ye guda bahar ki traf aa jata hai lekin guda me na to dard he hota h na he koi blood he aata h bus jalan type si hoti h Sir mujhe ye prvlm lgbhag 3se 4 year se h jo ki ye problem daily badhti ja rhi h sir koi upchar bataiye main kya karoon bhut prclm me hoon

    1. It may be interal and/or external hemorrhoids. Check up is necessary for suggesting any treatment. You may call our helpline 7861888100 for more details.

  94. Sir muje toilet jate wqt blood aata h or or drd bhi hota h doctor ne Fisher btaya h. Ek saal phle bhi muje Fisher ki problem hui thi tb mene doctor ko dikhaya tha tb unhone surgery k liye bola tha bt dwai se aram ho gya to unhone surgery krne se mna kr diya kya ab surgery krana jruri h sir. Surgery krane k baad ye fir se to nhi hogi ?

    1. Whether there is need of surgery or not can only be told after proper check up. Kindly call our helpline 7861888100 for having an appointment with our doctor.

  95. Sir mere guda se maash la lothad nikalta hai laterin ke samay or mujhe hanth se usko under karna padta hai ye mujhe bachpan se hai meri age 26 hai pls suggest ki mai kya karu

    1. visit our centre for check up. our helpline 7861888100

  96. divyansh Avatar

    sir sitz bath kitne dino me fayada karta hai.please bataye.

    1. Within 01 or 02 days.

  97. Mujhe mall dwar me kata hua hai bhut dard hai 2dine se bhut taklif hai kya Karin plz help me

    1. It may be fissure. You need to visit an experienced specialist doctor for proper treatment.

  98. Sir mujhe kuchh dino se guda k andar se kuchh skin baahar aa gyi h …jisse chubhan aur jalan si mahsoos ho ri h…
    But blood bagairah ni aata h…air n hi us skin m card ho ra h

    1. It can be a chronic fissure with sentinel tag. This tag needs to be removed to heal the underlying fissure. Call our helpline to meet Dr. Sandhya at our Vaishali Centre. Helpline number is 7861888100

  99. sir mera abi 1month phle fistula in ano ka operation hua h mujhe aisa lgta h ki abi b vha s halki puss discharge ho rhi h doctor ko dikhaya vo kehte h kuch nhi h sb thk h to sir btaiya ye normal h ya fir dubara fistula to nhi ho rha na

    1. Coming of pus after surgery is not a good sign. It’s a definite sign of failed treatment or recurrence of disease. Please consult your doctor or you may visit some other experienced doctor for a second opinion. You may call our helpline if you wish to have appointment with our doctors. Our helpline number is 7861888100. Thanks.

  100. Sir agr ladakyo ko mc kiss karn nhi ata hai. Aur Kya sex karne per bhi mc band ho jata hai

  101. Sir kareeb 20din se mughe guda dwar ke ander jalan aur latren karne mughe bahut prablam ho rahi hai madicne ley raha ho kuch pfayda nahi ho raha hai sir

    1. It may be fissure or proctitis. Avoid spicy food and chillies. Visit your nearest Ayurveda specialist doctor for a check up and treatment.

  102. Sir think I have fissure problem .a dr.also consult me and also I have taken medicine till one month .after one month dr.told me that you should take warm bathe at yr problem place but I could not do this by some reasons then tell me .if I take warm bathe now then how long time I became free from this

  103. pratik Avatar

    Sir me ye puchna chahta hu ki ye jo pails ki problam he yaha life time ke liye finish ki ja sakti hai ki nahi ….

    Mtlb 1 bar ilaj hone ke bad jindgi bhar ke liye es bimari ho khatam kiya ja sakta he ya nahi

    1. Yes, permanent khatam kiya ja sakta hai……..

  104. sunil Avatar

    sir mere anel ke right side mai ander se ak choti gaanth ban gayi ..dard bhi hota hai ..kya kaaran ho sakta..

    1. Check up ke baad bataya ja sakta hai………

  105. pooja Avatar

    sir kya rectal prolapse me operation jaruri hai.aur thodi sujan bhi hai.please suggest kare.

    1. Partial rectal prolaplse may be resolved by diet management and kegel exercises. Complete prolapse always requires surgery.

  106. pooja Avatar

    sir kegel exercise kaise karte hai.

    1. Repeated shrinking anus muscles and releasing is called kegel exercise.

  107. Common reasons of bleeding with stools are Piles, Anal fissure or colitis.

  108. Fissure se generally koi aur rog nahi hota hai. Agar aap proper ilaaj karwayenge to ye completely theek ho sakta hai. adhik jaankari ke liye humari helpline 7861888100 pe call kijiye.

  109. sir guda ke upari bhaag me sujan hai aur jalan hoti hai koi upay bataye.kya surgery karvani padegi ya aise hi theek ho jayegi.

    1. ये फिशर हो सकता है. फिशर के आयुर्वेदिक इलाज के लिए आपको विशेषज्ञ चिकित्सक से मिलकर चेक अप करवाना पड़ेगा। ऑपरेशन की जरुरत होगी या नहीं ये बिना चेक अप के नहीं बताया जा सकता। अधिक जानकारी के लिए आप हमारी हेल्पलाइन 7861888100 पर कॉल कीजिये।

  110. yusuf Avatar

    Sir mere goodha bhag m esa ho raha h jaise vo khane ko digest nhi kar pa raha vo theek she apna kaam nhi kar raha our bohot hi softness si ho rahi h vo jagah our ouski vajah se kaafi kamjori bhi lag rahi h.to iske liye koi medicine ya koi our oupay bataiye sir please..

  111. tejal dalwadi Avatar
    tejal dalwadi

    Sir muje fissure he, Mene ek bar operation karvaya he tab Dr. Ne kha tha ki letrin kbhi jor lagakar mat karna pr meri delivery normal hue isme jor lagana pda aur muje fir se fissure ho gya ab to letrin Jane se bhi dar lagta he aur muje letrin Jane vala Marg bhi sikud gaya he koi upay btaye plzz

    1. Have sitz bath. Avoid constipation. Have diet rich in fibers.

  112. suraj singh Avatar
    suraj singh

    sir sentinal tag kya hota hai.kya ise dawa aur sitz bath se shi kiya ja sakta hai.

    1. फिशर के 1 साल से अधिक पुराना होने पर गुदा के ऊपर या नीचे या दोनों तरफ सूजन या उभार सा बन जाता है, जो एक मस्से या जैसे खाल लटक जाती है, ऐसा महसूस होता है। इसे बादी बवासीर या सेंटीनेल टैग (sentinel tag or sentinel piles) कहते हैं। इसको स्थायी रूप से हटाने के लिए सर्जरी या क्षार सूत्र चिकित्सा की जरुरत होती है. यह दवाओं से समाप्त नहीं होता।

  113. pooja Avatar

    sir sentinal tag kya hota hai.kya ise dawa aur sitz bath se shi kiya ja sakta hai.

  114. suraj singh Avatar
    suraj singh

    sir kya 1 saal purana fissure dawa se nhi theek ho sakta.thodi sujan bhi hai guda me.

    1. Ho sakta hai but bina check up ke ye batana muskil hai ki dawa se theek hoga ya surgery ki jarurat padegi.


    Sir mujhe lagbhag 3 4 saal se jakham lagatar sirf jaangh se upar aur kamar se niche hota hai kabhi chutar par kabhi patta me kabhi guptang ke aas paas aur pure Sharif me khujli rehta hai koi upaay bataye

    1. Maintain local hygeine. Check up is needed to find out the cause and to start proper treatment.

  116. Rajkaushal Avatar

    Sir mujhe 3-4 month se chronic anal fissure tha. Dr ne lesser surgery ki salah diya to maine surgery kra liya aaj 1:30 mahina ho gaya surgery ko dard pahle se bahut kum ho gaya hai but 3-4 din se bleeding ho raha hai. Bahut tention ho raha hai plz bataiye ye bleeding kyo ho raha hai. Plz plz…

    1. Bleeding may be due to some internal piles mass or it may be possible that your Fissure has not been healed completely yet. Anything can be told only after a check up. Thanks.

      1. Rajkaushal Avatar

        Thank you sir for your valuable suggestion

  117. Sir me subh fresh hotihu usme bad kmjori hoti h pet bhi drd krta h kya ye fissure ki vjh se hota h kya koi nas ki vjh se bhi pura sarir kmjor hojata h plzz rly dijiye me 4 mhine pehle fissure huaa tha

    1. Fissure ki wajah se aisa hona mushkil hai. Digestive system ki weakness ki wajah se aisa ho sakta hai.

  118. Sir kya fissure se hips me bhi drd bna rhta h ki koi our problem se hips me dukhn hoti h rly

    1. जी हाँ फिशर के कारण आस पास के क्षेत्र में भी दर्द हो सकता है.

  119. sunli Avatar

    Bina Pareshan Se Hi thik Karna Ho To Kya Kare

    1. अपने नजदीकी विशेषज्ञ डॉक्टर से मिलकर चेक अप करवाइये। बीमारी सिर्फ दवा से ठीक होगी या ओपरेशन की जरुरत पड़ेगी ये बिना चेक अप के नहीं बताया जा सकता।

  120. durgeah rajbhar Avatar
    durgeah rajbhar

    Sir mujhe fisher ho gaya hai mai panic ke sath sekaie bhi kar raha hop koei khane wali dawa batayen Jo jaldi we this kar sake..

    1. बिना रोगी को देखे औषधि देना ठीक नहीं है, कृपया आप कब्ज़ नियंत्रित रखें व अपने आस पास किसी अनुभवी डॉक्टर को जाकर दिखाए। और यदि आप हमारे विशेषज्ञ डॉक्टरों की राय लेना चाहते हैं तो अप्पोइंटमेन्ट के लिए आप हमारे हेल्पलाइन नंबर 7861888100 पर कॉल करें। कब्ज़ के लिए इसी वेबसाइट पर आर्टिकल देखें लिंक है; http://www.ayurvedapilescure.com/blog/category/piles-fissure-fistula/constipation-2/

  121. Vipin Kumar Avatar
    Vipin Kumar

    Sir mera name Vipin Kumar h
    Sir ye samasya mujhe 10&15 sall c h
    Meri Guda ke pass ek kafi bada phoda banta h joki 4&5 deen me phut ta h kafi dard karta h kuchh Dr kahete h ki ye phoda kuchh kahete h ki ye fissure h ye mene AIIMAS m bhee drkhha liya shhar Sutter c bhee katba liya theek ho jata h phir ho jata h bateye sir ki an me kya karu me bahut pareshan hu

    1. विपिन जी परेशान होने से काम नहीं चलेगा। आप जल्द से जल्द आकर हमारे विशेषज्ञ डॉक्टर से मिलें, यह भगन्दर हो सकता है. अधिक जानकारी और अपॉइंटमेंट के लिए आप हमारे हेल्पलाइन नंबर 7861888100 पर कॉल करें।

  122. jetharam pawar Avatar
    jetharam pawar

    Sar mera nam jetharam he 43 year Ka hu mere ko kabhi kabhi khun girta ye rog ke Karen kamar me darad rahta pav me darad rahta he kamjor mechush hoti kiya karu

  123. Atul Sharma Avatar
    Atul Sharma

    Hello sir..

    Maine apka article read kiya apke article ko read krne k baad meko ..kuch relax Mila apni problem SE


    Actually mere dono side me red red ho rakha hai ..and meko bahut chees marto hai meko smjh nai AA raha hai yeh problem actually me hai kya …and mere ko kabj bhi bahut hoti hai ..even yeh prblm abhi start hui h kuch Dino..

    Please give me solution. Sir ..thanks

    1. It can be local inflammation of skin. Proper treatment can be suggested only after a check up. Please call our helpline 7861888100 for having an appointment with our specialist doctor. Thanks.

  124. Gourav Avatar

    Sir Mere Guda me ek tag Ho gya h doctor ko dikhaya to Fisher bta rhe h
    Iske karan me medical me 2 bar unfit ho chuka hu…..
    Kya operation ke baad Mera medical fit Ho sakta h ….please Fast Reply….

    1. Yes you can be medically fit after kshar sutra treatment. For more details please call our helpline 7861888100.

  125. sameer Avatar

    Sir aj s ek mnth pehle mjhe tiolet me thoda blood aya doctor dikhane p dwa mili aur usse ek hi dose me aram mil gya bt aftr 1mnth fr hua fr dwa khane p thik ho gya .. But kya mjhe ese hi rehna pdega kya me apne iccha ka kuch kha nhi skta… Mjhe kya krna chahiye plz suggest me.. Jb doctor ne dekha ta tb bola ta k starting hai aur aram s khtm ho jaega mgr fr dobara tb kyu hua…? meri age abhi 25yeaes hi hai aur me bodybuilding krta hu…
    Plz jldi hi suggestion de sir me bahut chinta me hu…

  126. Kya fissure ka jar se ilaj ho sakta hai taki dobara na ho

    1. फिशर का आयुर्वेद द्वारा इलाज संभव है, परन्तु यह दोबारा न हो इसके लिए आपको अपने खाने पीने की आदतों में बदलाव करना जरुरी है ताकि कब्ज़ न हो क्योंकि कब्ज़ ही फिशर का मूल कारण है.

  127. Maine bahut yani last two years take Ayurvedic treatment kiya for B uska asare nahi pada.oho to ek do machine keliye sahi.bad me fir wahi. Isliye Maine surgery karli.Fir B pain aur blood bleeding kam nahi hua.Fast recovery hone kkeliye Kay Karna padega.

    1. Check up is necessary to know the status of surgery wound. Keep the area clean and follow the instructions of the doctor who has done the surgery. Thanks.

  128. krishna Kumar Avatar
    krishna Kumar

    Sir Mujhe toilet bahut hi tyte hoti hai aur bahut hi dard hoti hai please upay bataye

    1. Already many tips have been given in this website. Please visit articles on constipation.

  129. sunil choudhary Avatar
    sunil choudhary

    Sir mere ko army ke medical test me piles kI vajah se medical me unfit kr diya h Sir Mujhe phle kbhi esa masoom nhi hota tha ki mere piles h lekin Mujhe mung ke Dane kI jitni ek gant type me kbhi kya kbhi mahsoos hoti thi.ab mere ek ayurved Dr. se consul kiya to unhone mere masso pr injection lga diye aur bole ki ye 1 mhine me gal jayenge lekin aaj Mujhe 68 din ho gye mere 2-3 moti moti gante aur ho gyi aur Sujan bhi bhut rhti h.ab 20 din bad mera dubara medical test h agr Sir aap kuc upay bta skte h to bta dijiye aapki bdi kripa hogi aur ha Sir mudher sabji khaye huye bhi 2 mhine ho gye aur mai Masala to bilkul bhi nhi khata dhi aur chachh aur pyaj khata hu aur abhayarist bhi pita hu.phir bhi Sir mere problem ktm Kyo nhi ho rhi.aap btao mai kya kru operation krwau ya nhi kuc to btao Sir Mujhe phle to koi problem NHi thi ab ye elaj lene ke bad bd gyi h.Sir mai dukhi ho gya hu sir.

    1. You can be cured but you need to visit our centre for treatment. Please call our helpline 7861888100 for more details and to book an appointment with our doctors.

    2. Praveen Avatar

      Sir mujhe kfi samay se fissure hai mene dawa bhi li lekin thik nahi hua pl aap kuch bataye

      1. प्रवीण जी फिशर गुदा रोगो में एक कष्टदायक बीमारी है आप तली हुई मसालेदार चीज़ो का उपयोग न करें आप रेसेदार भोजनऔर फल का उपयोग करें जैसे पपीता दलीया अमरुद मूली आदि अगर आप अपनी समस्या का पूर्ण रूप से निवारण चाहते है तो हमारे अनुभवी विशेषज्ञो चिकित्सको से हेल्पलाइन नंबर 9818069989 पर समय लेकर मिल सकते हैं.

  130. Sagar sharma Avatar
    Sagar sharma

    Sir mujhe pichle 2 saal se problem ho rahi h …Toilet mein blood aata hai.Kabhi dhar ke trah. Kabhi tapak tapak tapak ke ..or ache se fresh nhi ho paata hu..frsh hone ke baad anas ke upper 3 goli se ban gyi hai..jisme sujan aa jaati hai or kam se kam 30min tk rahti hai..or fresh hote wakt pain bhi hota h ..mirchi se lagti hai..
    Sir kuch btaye kya ye piles hai…tips dijiye..

    1. Yes it can be piles. Check up is necessary to confirm the disease and to start treatment. All you need to remember that you must avoid straining during passing of stools.

  131. Sir me bahut dino se fissar se preshan Tha to Maine surgery karya Tha us doctor ne mujhe dhage se surgery Kiya Tha aur 1 Sall tak thik Tha ab Na jaane kuch bhi tikha cheej. Khane se jalan hone lagta me bechain ho jata Hun ghabrahat hone lagti Hai jyada baithne par dard bhi hone lagta hai. Sir me ek baat puchna chata Hun fissar se cancer nahi hota Hai Na .sir koi upay bataye .me bahut preshan hun.ya koi dawa bataye..sir plz

    1. फिशर से कैंसर नहीं होता है. आप कब्ज़ दूर करने के लिए भोजन में बदलाव करें। फिशर यदि ज्यादा गहरा नहीं है तो सिकाई करने से ठीक हो जायेगा।

  132. Pradeep Kumar Avatar
    Pradeep Kumar

    Mera pet humesha fulla rehta hai our meri letrin bhi shi s nhi ati h mujhe esa lgta h jaise ki meri guda ka ched band ho gya ho mujhe kabj ki our geus ki problem bhi bhut h m bhut pareshan Hun apni bimari se please ap meri es problem ka solve kre please

  133. Prasun Avatar

    Mere father ko fiser ka problem hai sath me liver cirrhosis bhi hai treatment chalu hai kya fiser cancer bhi ho jata hai sir. Unko doctor ne surgery mna kiya hai

    1. सामान्य तौर पर फिशर से कैंसर नहीं होता। केस देखकर ही कोई ट्रीटमेंट की सलाह दी जा सकती है.

  134. Sir mujhe kabhi kabhi pet ke and ar Se gandagi badabu aata hai plz sir koe salah digiye ham kaya kare

    1. यदि आप कब्ज़ नहीं रहने देंगे और भोजन का ध्यान रखेंगे तो आपकी समस्या हल हो जाएगी।

  135. Ajay kumar Avatar
    Ajay kumar

    Sir mera name Ajay Kumar hi Muje 8 years se fissure ki problems hi bhuth medicine or koi fark nahi aya injection bi laga koi fark nahi dard aur Jalan hoti hi me bhut perechan hu please muje koi suggestion batya me surgery nahi karna chata Mobil no 9419329505

    1. The decision of surgery is not dependent on your wish but your doctor’s findings after a check up. Chronic fissures which don’t respond to medicines need surgical treatments. Please go to some specialist doctor nearby you. If you wish to have treatment from us Call 9818069989 for an appointment. Thanks.

  136. doctor mera fissure thik hogya h pr gurdaduvar ki sujn km nhi horhi h mhine me 2 3 din hlki jln rhti h sujn km krne k liye kya upay kru plzz btaye mujhe fissure 6 mhine pehle tha

  137. Praveen Avatar

    Sir mujhe kafi samay se anal fissure hai dawa bhi li lekin thik nahi hua please koi upay bataen ki men kya karoon

    1. Surgery may be required if fissure doesn’t respond to medicines. You may call our helpline number 9818069989 to have an appointment with our specialist doctors.

    2. Hello dr meri. dilivry ko 2 mahine hue h or mujhe poti krte waqt bhut dar hota h or wo dard bhut time tak rehta h or ye problem mujhe 1mahine se jada ho gya h pls ap meri help kre or sahi slha de

      1. महिलाओं में प्रेगनेंसी के समय या डिलीवरी के बाद पाइल्स या फिशर होना सामान्य बात है. इसके इलाज के लिए आप कब्ज़ न रहने दें. यह लेख पढ़ें https://www.ayurvedapilescure.com/blog/home-remedies-fissure-anal-pain-constipation/#.WX4UIYh95EZ

  138. Sir mera nam dilip hai mera umr 20 year ka hun jab mai toilet karta hun bahut jalan hota hai bahut kam toilet karta hun dard bhi hota hai kya karun

    1. दिलीप जी, टॉयलेट के समय जलन कई कारणों से हो सकती है. ज्यादा मिर्च, फ़ास्ट फ़ूड, नॉनवेज आदि भोजन का सेवन इसका प्रमुख कारण हैं। आप यदि इन सब चीजों का सेवन करते हैं तो ये बंद कीजिये। बीमारी के सही इलाज के लिए चेक अप जरुरी है. आप यदि हमारे अनुभवी चिकित्स्कों द्वारा अपना इलाज करना चाहते है तो हमारे चिकित्सालय कॉल करे नंबर है 9818069989

  139. Nihal .. Avatar
    Nihal ..

    Sir mujhe Gudda ke paas Ek finsi hui hai ….Or Mujhe gudda ke andar dard sa hotta hai ..5_se 6 din huye hai ..par mujhe lettring karte bakt jayada dard nhi Hota …Ye kya hai ….

    1. यदि फुंसी से पस या कुछ गीला पदार्थ निकलता है तो ये भगन्दर (फिस्टुला) हो सकता है. नहीं तो एक्सटर्नल पाइल्स भी हो सकता है. चेक अप के बाद ही कन्फर्म हो सकता है की ये क्या है। जलन के लिए तेज़ मिर्च या मसाले वाला भोजन न ले. डाइट चार्ट यहाँ से डाउनलोड करें http://www.ayurvedapilescure.com/downloads.php

  140. Vindhyvashi shukla Avatar
    Vindhyvashi shukla

    Meri guda se safed colour Ka kida Nial raha hai ye kaun si bimari hai

    1. It can be worm infestation. You need to have de-worming medicines after consulting a qualified physician.

  141. sir mujhe fissure 6 mhine pehle huaa tha our vo pura thik hogya tha bt ap 2 3 din se vaps potty k sath thoda khun niklta h kya fissre fir se hogya h

    1. कभी कभी फिशर पूरी तरह से ठीक नहीं होता तो उस ज़ख्म से खून आ सकता है. खून आने का अन्य कारण पाइल्स (बवासीर) भी हो सकता है. चेक अप के बाद ही बताया जा सकता है कि ब्लड आने का क्या कारण है और उसके ट्रीटमेंट के लिए क्या करना होगा।

  142. sir is condition me pan masala ka sewan kar sakte hai ya nahin

    1. पान मसाला या गुटखा पाचन तंत्र पर बुरा प्रभाव डालता है. इसलिए अगर इन सब चीज़ो का सेवन ना ही करें तो बेहतर रहेगा।

  143. Sar ji?? Me jab letrin karne jata to. Bhot dard or jalan hota he kbhi kabhi khun v nikalta he. Karib 3mahine ho giya a bimari muje 2 doctor se kuch dawai khai bt kuch v frak nahi.. A bimari vhala karne ka upai kia he. Keccha hoga a

    1. check up jaruri hai ilaaz ke liye……

  144. Sar ji?? plz plz plz iska koi upai bataiye. Or ha. Muje hinde padne nahi ati or nahi englis. Muje englis me likh kar hidi me.. Jese me likha hu.. Take sar jo bole wo meacche se samaj saku..

  145. salaam know Avatar
    salaam know

    Mera fisher ke problem last 3 month s h blad bahut nekalta h please help karo blad stop hone ke medicine ka name send karo

    1. चेक अप के बाद ही कोई दवा दी जा सकती है.

  146. santosh kelwa Avatar
    santosh kelwa

    Please help me doctor sahab Mujhe Shishe Ki problem hai kripya Sahi margdarshan kijiye

  147. Mujhe fiser ko 1year ho gya …mujhe gharlu upay yaa doc ko dikhana chahiye …ap btaye …plz reply …

    1. If problem is more it is advisable to consult an expert doctor otherwise home remedies may also work.

  148. Sir vese to koi problm ni hoti but jb lagaataar 2-3 din tak junk food khaali to jalan or dard hota h anus m 2-5 hour ……kya kru plzz suggest me some medication ….Koi sujan v nhi h anus m

    1. Just avoid junk food and spicy in excess. Eat fruits instead.

  149. Sir muje fresh hote time needle jasi chubhan hoti h or stool K Sath blood LG K aatah… Orbhut pain hota h..Yh about something 1months starting…. So Plz tell me about diseases…????

    1. It can be Anal fissure. Check up is necessary to confirm the disease and to plan proper treatment. Thanks.

  150. siddharth Avatar

    dr.sahaab trifala churan lene se fesar sahi ho jayega naa or kuch to nhi lena hena saath me

    1. Trifala churna se constipation mein help milegi. Fissure theek ho bhi sakta hai aur nahi bhi…….

  151. Hello sir me Punjab se hu. Jo apne symptoms btaeye hai wo sb ho rhe hai muje . Or Muje Bethne me bht problem ho rhi hai. Doc. K pass gyi the Medi. Lene but Koi frk ni pda Or grm pani me red clr Ki Medi. Dal kr takor v krti hu. But Bethne me bht problem ho rhi hai avi v. Pls help me.

    1. Fissure is very painful condition for the patient but we can treat you only when you visit our place for check up and treatment. You avoid constipation and have sitz bath with lukewarm water. If you wish to visit our place you may call 9818069989 for having an appointment.

  152. Sanjay Kumar mishra Avatar
    Sanjay Kumar mishra

    Sir namaskar meri wife ko toilet hone ke bad blood girta hai tatha jalan aur Dard bhi hota hai tatha ji bhi machalta hai. Doctor ko dikhya aur check bhi karaya lekin piles nahi hai. Krapya salah den kya hai.

    1. Ye fissure ho sakta hai. Please bring your wife to our center if possible. Our appointment number is 9818069989

  153. Dilip singh tomar Avatar
    Dilip singh tomar

    Sir morning me jab me toilet jata hoon to bahut dard hota hai or mirch ki tarah jalan hoti hai baad me dheere dheere thik ho jata hai or tapkan jesa lagta hai kisi ne bola hai jatyadi tail lagao meri help kro me bahut paresan hoon

    1. Avoid chillies and spicy food items. Have fruits to avoid constipation and hard stool. Consult an experienced doctor face to face if problem still persists.

  154. Sir mera toilet ko baitne par gudwar bahar aata hai aatda bahar aata hai to use kya kahte hai or uska ilaj kya hai

    1. It can be rectal prolapse. You need to consult a surgeon for check up and to plan treatment.

  155. Dilip singh tomar Avatar
    Dilip singh tomar

    Sir morning me toilet jane par dard hota hai dobara toilet aa jaye to jane kam man nhi hota hai aap koi acha doctor bataiye jaha me check kra saku or me bilkul thik ho jau help me sir

    1. चेक अप के बिना इलाज संभव नहीं है, बेहतर होगा की आप अपने नजदीकी स्पेशलिस्ट डॉक्टर से मिलें। यदि आप हमारे यहाँ आना चाहते हैं तो हमारी हेल्पलाइन 9818069989 पर अपॉइंटमेंट लेकर डॉक्टर से मिल सकते हैं.

  156. Narender Kumar Avatar
    Narender Kumar

    Sir mujhse abhi 1month se Fisher hai mene apne Shar se eski kafi dawa leli per Koi aaram nhi hai plzzz sir Koi elaz bataye me kya karu

    1. गरम पानी में बैठकर सिकाई कीजिये। कब्ज़ न रहे इसके लिए रेशेदार खाद्य पदार्थो व फलों का सेवन करें।

  157. vikki srivastava Avatar
    vikki srivastava

    Ye constipation bhi rakhta hai aur gas ko khul ke nahi nikalane deta,swelling ko teek kiya ja sakta hai ,without operation .homeopathic me teek karta hai

    1. चेक अप के बिना इलाज संभव नहीं है, बेहतर होगा की आप अपने नजदीकी स्पेशलिस्ट डॉक्टर से मिलें। यदि आप हमारे यहाँ आना चाहते हैं तो हमारी हेल्पलाइन 9818069989 पर अपॉइंटमेंट लेकर डॉक्टर से मिल सकते हैं.

  158. Sir Mai 10 saal pahele chaar sutre se bavaseer ka aapration kerua the mujhe sauch kerne me problem hooti hai mera gudda sukedh gaya hai mujhe kaafee joor lagne padheti hai upai batyai mai kya karu

    1. चेक अप के बिना इलाज संभव नहीं है, बेहतर होगा की आप अपने नजदीकी स्पेशलिस्ट डॉक्टर से मिलें। यदि आप हमारे यहाँ आना चाहते हैं तो हमारी हेल्पलाइन 9818069989 पर अपॉइंटमेंट लेकर डॉक्टर से मिल सकते हैं.

  159. SANDEEP Avatar

    Sir mera name sandeep hai maine abhi 2 month pahle doctor ko dikhaya tha doctor ne bola ki aapko fisher hai to onhone mujhe syrup and cream di lagane k liye to sir wo thik ho gya but sir ab mujhe dobara yahi sikayat ho gyi hai aur 4-5 days se pareshan hu sir letrin karne par bahut pain and blood aata hai aur aisa lagta hai ki koi chiz soi ki tarah chubhan bhi rahte hai sir mujhe koi best salah dijiye please

    1. चेक अप के बिना इलाज संभव नहीं है, बेहतर होगा की आप अपने नजदीकी स्पेशलिस्ट डॉक्टर से मिलें। यदि आप हमारे यहाँ आना चाहते हैं तो हमारी हेल्पलाइन 9818069989 पर अपॉइंटमेंट लेकर डॉक्टर से मिल सकते हैं.

  160. Muje Fisher hai dava leta hu kuchh din theek rehta hu fir se takleeb hone lgti hai drd subah se sham tak hota hai kuchh ilaj bataye

    1. चेक अप के बिना इलाज संभव नहीं है, बेहतर होगा की आप अपने नजदीकी स्पेशलिस्ट डॉक्टर से मिलें। यदि आप हमारे यहाँ आना चाहते हैं तो हमारी हेल्पलाइन 9818069989 पर अपॉइंटमेंट लेकर डॉक्टर से मिल सकते हैं.

  161. Surendra Pateriya Avatar
    Surendra Pateriya

    Sir, mujhe constipation ki vajah se outside cut ho gya he, ilaz karwaya lekin 20 din se koi relief nhi he, bleeding and pain hota he, kindly sugess me some treatment.

  162. Dr.Sanjay More Avatar
    Dr.Sanjay More

    It can be Anal fissure. Check up is necessary to confirm the disease and to plan proper treatment.

  163. Sir mujhe sayad fiser h last 6 to 7 year se, city scan me aaya tha may 17 me, but ye apne aap thik bhi ho jata h and jab kabj hoti h to fir se ho jata h, kabhi kabhi blood bhi aata hai and pain bhi hota hai, ab mujhe kuch extra skin feel bhi hoti h.
    Me kya karu

    1. If there is extra skin it can be sentinel tag. It needs to be removed by kshar sutra or by surgery for complete cure. Precisely anything can be told by only after proper check up.

  164. Surendra Pateriya Avatar
    Surendra Pateriya

    Kya hum hemmorides ki swalling ko kam karne ke liye hair dryer ki warm air ka use kar sakte he

    1. No, hair dryer is not recommended but Sitz bath is the recommended method of fomentation. For more details you may follow the link; http://www.ayurvedapilescure.com/blog/sitz-bath-a-wonder-remedy-in-anorectal-problems/

  165. Hello dr
    Sir/madam mere anul me 2-3 din se ek massa mahaoos ho rha h
    Dard b nahi Hota jyada pr jab ise touch krte h to pain krta h koi ilaj btaye sir . Jisse Ye jaldi thik ho jaye

    1. direct inspection is necessary in your case… contact us at 9818069989

  166. vishal kumar Avatar
    vishal kumar

    Sir mujhe continue poty krne ke tym khoon aata h or pani niklta h all time kya ye cencer ho skta h

    1. It may be piles. Check up is required to confirm the disease.

  167. Leena Patel Avatar
    Leena Patel

    sir mujhe anal fissure hai bahut pain hota hai or blood bhi jata hai kya karu

    1. Have sitz bath. Follow proper diet management. Go to a specialist doctor near you for check up and proper treatment.

  168. sir hello mujhe dr ne btaya ke aap ko fisser hai kai dr ko batayalekin kuch bhi faydanhi huua ab mere anal ke pass ek masa jesa ho gaya hai kya ye dwaiyo se thik nhi ho sakta us masa ke kone per khujli bhut hoti hai

    1. it can be piles.. but the severity and assessment of the disorder can be judges by direct inspection only..

  169. sir mujhe bhi fisser hai or 3 saalo se hai ab mere anal ke pass ek masa bhi ho gaya hai or uske kinare per bhut jyada khujli hot hai me kya karoo

    1. मस्से को क्षार सूत्र या अग्गनिकर्म से हटाना पड़ेगा तभी फिशर ठीक हो पायेगा

  170. Yogesh Kashikar Avatar
    Yogesh Kashikar

    My wife had undergone MTB in the month of may 2017. She has continously suffered from bleeding and has been observed the fistula in lower uterine. Will you help me in this concern?
    Please guide me?

    1. You need to visit our center for your wife’s check up and treatment. PleaSe call our helpline 8178659324 for appointment.

  171. abhay more Avatar
    abhay more

    Sir . main workout krta hoon.dahi khata hoon . pani bhi brpur pita hoon. fir bhi bar bar gas (pad) aati hai. Please please help me

    1. it is natural.. try to remain constipation free..

  172. Utkarsh shukla Avatar
    Utkarsh shukla

    sir mughe fissure ki problem h sir mughe constipation pahle se hota tha per idhar 2 year se pain zada ho raha aur sahi bhi nhi ho raha plse suggest kare kaise isko sahi kar sakte h

    1. direct inspection and assessment of the disorder is necessary in your case…

  173. nil Gurav Avatar
    nil Gurav

    Mera Fistula ka operation 4 din pahle hua hai…..aur Maine jyatyadi oil laya hai bazzar se….to mai operation jakhm jaldi bharne ke liye us oil ka istemal kr sakta Hu kya…..aur kaise istemal kru. . Plzzzz jaldi bataiye…

    1. जात्यादि तैल जल्दी जख्म को भरने में सहायक है. आप रात्रि में गर्म पानी में बैठने के बाद रुई से जात्यादि तैल जख्म पर लगा सकते हैं.

  174. Sir me thik dang se fresh nahi hota hu kabaz rahti h tatha guda me jalan rahati h baar baar toilet jaana padta h pesaab me jalan rahti h penis mund red rahta h guda me sujan si h tatha ek massa kabhi kabhi dikhata h pet baar baar kharab hota h pure body me dard rahata h ye kaya bimari h iska kya ilaz h

    1. आपको बिना देर किए अनुभवी आयुर्वेद डॉक्टर से मिलना चाहिये।

  175. Sir Mai ak gay hu sir mane kabhi Apne anus me ling Ni dalwaya par Mai apni ungli daal ta tha or sir Mai ab bhoot pareshan hu kyuki anus ke bahar Nikal ke aajata h wo angar se or sir Bura haal h plz sir Mai ab sub kuch chood Dena chata hu meri madad karna plz

    1. क्या मदद चाहते हैं आप? यदि चेक अप और इलाज करवाना चाहते हैं तो हमारी हेल्पलाइन 9818069989 पर कॉल करके आ जाइये।

  176. kya fissure rog opt se thik ho skta h ya nhi to life time thik nhi hoskta kya our fissure se our bhi koi rog hoskta h kya

    1. जी फिशर पूरी तरह आयुर्वेद दवाओं और क्षारसूत्र चिकित्सा से ठीक हो सकता है. डॉक्टर को सोच समझ कर चुनें।

  177. Ishwar lal sahj Avatar
    Ishwar lal sahj

    Sir mujhe 1 year se feaser he gudadwar ke bahar massa bhi he toylet jane par achhe se nhi ho pata, bluding nhi hota halka sujan bhi he , me opration nhi krwana chahta ayesa koi dusra option he kya jisse me tik ho jau..

    1. यदि कोई बीमारी ऑपरेशन या सर्जरी से ठीक होती है तो दवा से बहुत अधिक फायदा होना मुश्किल है. सर्जरी से डरने की आवश्यकता नहीं है. फिशर के लिए क्षार सूत्र भी एक बेहतर विकल्प है जिसको करवाने के बाद आप शीघ्र ही स्वस्थ हो जायेंगे परन्तु आपको यह सलाह अवश्य देंगे की आप ट्रीटमेंट किसी क्वालिफाइड सर्जन या क्षार सूत्र विशेषज्ञ डॉक्टर से ही करवाएं। बंगाली या चांदसी या ऐसे फ़र्ज़ी डॉक्टरों से सावधान रहें।

  178. Ayush chaturvedi Avatar
    Ayush chaturvedi

    Sir mujhe mere guda me lagta hai dinbhar kuch pani jaisa nikal raha hai ye kya hai mujhe bataiye mera pet bhi saf ni hota hai

    1. पानी जैसा पदार्थ म्यूकस हो सकता है. चेक अप के बाद ही बताया जा सकता है कि ये क्या है और इसके उपचार के लिए आपको क्या करना होगा।

  179. Dear Sir/Mam
    Meri age 19 years hai. 2-3 days se back side me fresh hone k baad dard rahta hai. Or guda me koi gaanth bhi hai choti si. Gaanth ko dbane par dard hota hai. Pahle bhi aisa hua tha or apne aap thik ho jata hai. Gas ya kabzz bhi nhi hai. Please koi treatment btaye.
    Thank You

    1. ये फिशर हो सकता है. आप किसी क्षार सूत्र विशेषज्ञ चिकित्सक से मिलकर सलाह लें. बिना चेक अप के इलाज होना संभव नहीं है. यदि आप हमारे यहाँ आना चाहते हैं तो हमारी हेल्पलाइन 9818069989 पर कॉल करें।

  180. Sir mera weight pehle se badh gya hai jiske karan mujhe fissure ki problem hone lagi hai…
    Kya sir motapa badhne se fissure ki problem hoti hai???

    1. मोटापे के कारन कब्जियत हो सकती है. और फिशर का मुख्या कारन कब्जियत है.

  181. bijendra singh Avatar
    bijendra singh

    Sir good morning
    Meri guda me se blood aa RHA he. Jab me toilet jata hu tab blood ki bunde tapakne lagti he. Ye blood inside se to nahi aa rha he.isme koi ghatak bimari wali bat to nahi he. Toilet me koi bhi problem nahi hoti. So please mera margdarshan kare

    1. बिना दर्द के खून आने के कई कारन होते हैं… जिनमे से बवासीर भी एक है। रोग को देखकर ही उसका पता किया जा सकता है। आप हमारी हेल्पलाइन नंबर 9818069989 पे संपर्क कर सकते हैं.

  182. Mohammed Rafique Avatar
    Mohammed Rafique

    dear sir mujhe lag bhag 3-4 year se toilet ki jagha pr takleef hoti hai doctor ko bataya to kaha ke mhasse ki bawasir hai.iska easy treatment bataiye sir. q k sir toilet k baad mhassa bahar aata bhai to taqreeban letne k 10 min k baad andar jaata hai or takleef kam hoti hai.

    1. kshar sutra is recommended in your case

  183. Sir hm lag bhag 8 salo se guda ke pass massa type ka h or usi ke upar 2sre masse b bante ja rhe h 3 masse h or dard n hote h kbi2 mal tayt hota h to dard hota h kripya muje use ghar me htane ka rarika btaye

    1. मस्से घर में हटाने का कोई तरीका नहीं है, इसके लिए आपको स्पेशलिस्ट सर्जन डॉक्टर से मिलकर इलाज करवाना पड़ेगा।

  184. Sir mere guda ke pass jalan hoti h 1 ya 2 baar blood b aaya h
    Kabi jalan hoti h kabi 1 ya 2 maine ke liye band ho jati jalan abi 8 dino se bahut problem h jalan hoti h letring jata hu tab left side esha lagtha h jaise kuch ho

    1. It can be anal fissure. You may need a check up to confirm the disease and to start the treatment. Please call us at 9818069989 to have an appointment with our doctor.

  185. Me 4 mnth se pareshan hu me fresh hota hu uske baad bhi aisa lagta h mal baki h or jalan bhi hoti h or khujli bhi me bht ziyada pareshan hogaya hu isse wife k saath sambandh banane me b dikkat ati h please help

    1. Kindly visit our centre after having an appointment with our doctor by calling our helpline at 9818069989. Thanks.

  186. Jaspal singh Avatar
    Jaspal singh

    Sir ji
    Mujhe ye paroblam 3 mahine se hai medicin bhi le raha hu lekin kabhi kabhi theek ho jaata hai to kabhi waise hi ho jaata hai main kiya sir

    1. apni problem ke bare me vistar se bataye

  187. Naresh Kumar Avatar
    Naresh Kumar

    Dear Sir,
    mere ko pichle 1 se 2 year se fissure hai mene i saal pahle sar sutar se operation karya tha lakin mere ko phir se problem ho gai hai koi upchar bataye

    1. Have sitz bath. Follow a diet plan to avoid constipation.

  188. Good afternoon sir mujhe fissure ki problum hai maine opration bhi kara liya 3year ho chuke hai but khuch dino se guda me pain hota baar baar toilet jata hoo

    1. Examination is necessary in your case. Please call our appointment helpline 9818069989 if you wish to visit our centre.

  189. Sourabh Kumar Avatar
    Sourabh Kumar

    mujhe last 4 -5 mahine se mal dwar ke pass ak chipa chipa se pani nikal raha, lagta hai ak chota sa ghanth v hai….. jo pani jesa nikalta hai wo bahut durgandh deta hai.. jab use sukhe kapre ya haat se saaf karta hu to us ghanth me bahut tag khujli hoti hai ( 10 -15 scend ke liye ) ak baar halka sa khujli kar du to thik hogata hai… gahnth ke thik pass ak massa jesa v hai… kavi kavi mal ke saath Blood v aata hai… jab kabj hota hai tab..

    please bataye ye kya hai or isska uppchar kya hai…

    1. may be you are suffering from fistula.. but the actual assessment can only be made by looking at the problem. thanks

  190. Doctor sahab mujhe mal tiyag k baad kuch atka sa feel hota h kabhi iching b hoti h or jab hasthmukhan krta hu jab b guda se jalan hoti h jisse mujhe sex me b dikkat ati h or hamesha aisa lagta h kuch atka sa h mujhe gase ki b shikayat h acidity b bht hoti h me mitha soda khane laga tha jisse ye problem hogayi h please sir me bht pareshan hu ye bht irritate krta h mujhe kya krna chahiye ? Thankyou

    1. try to avoid constipation.. contact some proctologist or contact us at 9818069989(our helpline number)

  191. Sir muze do sal se fissure he aur abhi chek kiya to piles bhi bataya kya kare aur fissure me massa bhi nikla he plz batao

    1. पुराने फ़िशर में मस्सा निकल सकता है. चेक अप के बाद ही बताया जा सकता है.

  192. Hello sir,
    mujhe same problem 8-9 month pehle huyi thi . Mdcn lene se thik ho gya tha. Pr ab fir se same problem. Ho gyi hai. Gudadwar me boht pain hoti hai . Kbi kbi letrin k sath halka blood b aata hai . Or kbi kbi pura din dard bna rehta hai. Aise lgta hai jese andr ka mas bahr aa gya ho. Kya kru smjh nhi aata. Need ur Suggestion sir..
    Thank you !

    1. ये फ़िशर के कारण हो सकता है. आप गरम पानी से सेक कीजिये और अपने आस पास किसी अनुभवी डॉक्टर से चेक अप और इलाज करवाइये।

  193. shekhar Chandra Avatar
    shekhar Chandra

    Sir mje last six days Se Bada pain Ho raha h to aaj doc ko dikhya unhone bola ki fissure h. Yeah Kab tak thk Ho skta h agar properly treatment karya jaye to. With in week Mai ho skta h kya

    1. Yes, it can be cured completely if you are taking treatment under experienced doctor. Duration of treatment can be from 5 to 15 days or more depending on the severity of disease.

  194. sir mera colonoscopy ho gaya hai Dr bola kuch nehi hai mujhi 5year se problem ho raha hai pain itching burning mujhi kaya hai pl help

    1. hello, kewal.. pain , itching and burning sensation kisi anorectal disorder ki taraf ishara ho sakta hai. aise me apko kisi proctologist ko consult karna chahiye.. ya aap hamari helpline number 9818069989 par bhi contact kar sakte hain

  195. Chhaya Admane Avatar
    Chhaya Admane

    Sir, mera piles ka operation huae ek mahina ho chuka hai. But abhibhi blood jane ke sath sath bahut pain bhi hota hai. Aur andar ka mas bahar aata hai, jalan bhi hoti hai. Bahut pareshan hu. Please suggest something.

    1. dear, there are chances that the wound did not heal properly. proper post operative dressing is required. contact your doctor . thanks.

  196. Sir i have fissure problem from last one yest, Please suggest me treatment cost

    1. dear vikram, as you are facing the problem since last one year, it would be somehow tough for me to assess the severity of the condition without observing it personally.. whether the fissure is single or multiple… or is there any tag associated with it… it would be better if you come personally. then only we will be able to help you with your queries .

  197. Mujhe last 6-7 year se hips k inside.me kbi kbi ya bhut km bar hlka sa dard hita h…wo b sirf 2-3sec k lie kbi kbi…dard ese hota h jse kisi ne chaaku(knife) maar dia ho..bt ab hlka sa jada hone lga h..lkin itna ni…abi b bhut km hita h…lkin ab mane dhyan dia.Sir mujhe nahi pata yh fissure h ya or kuch..lkin jb net pr dekha to lga ki shayd fissure ho skta h…sir btaiye yh kya h?or isse kse bachu…??gharelu upayo ze.

    1. basically you need to stay away from constipation, because hard stool is the main reason behind fissure… but as you are saying that the condition is persisting since last 6-7 years, i want to know that are there any sentinal tags along with fissure.

  198. sir 2 din se guda dar mein dard ho raha h pet bhi saaf hota h…phir bhi fresh hobe ke baad jalan or dard…bhaut jayda hota h ..

    1. kya apko bleeding bhi hoti hai sath me ya bad me…

  199. Sir jab mera mal fresh at a hai to mujhe koi problem nahi hoti lekin jab mal hard at a hai to mal me sath blood at a hai aur bahut dard rahta hai sir Aisa lagta hai jaise mere anus me koi nukili pin chubh rahi ho aur Aisa mahsoos hota hai ki mere anus me darar pad gayi ho. Sir please help me.

    1. you might be suffering from fissure… contact us at 9818069989

  200. Anil giri Avatar
    Anil giri

    Sir muje 1 sal se fisher he dr kehte he surgery hi ilaj he dawao se tik nahi hoga kya ye sahi he

    1. After check up it is possible to predict that whether your problem is curable by medicines or requires surgery.

  201. Dear sir.4 sal pehle meri delivery hui thi uske bad se mujhe anal fissure ho gya h. Or anus k pas hi thodi si skin latki hui h jisme sujan rehti h.suru m jankari ni thi to ayurvedil dawai leti rhi piles samjh k.do sal pehle dr n bataya ki ye fissure h.bhut dawai le li thik ni ho raha.ab dr. ne surgery k liye bola h.kya ye surgery se bilkul thik ho jyega..kya mujhe surgery krwa leni chahiye.i m live in bikaner (rajasthan).plz give ur valuable reply..i need ..constipation ni rehta mujhe..jis din bhi thoda sa bhi hard stool pas ho jaye tbhi prblm hoti h fir bhut din tk thik ni hota..or kai bar jb bikulthik hota h tb to aise lagta h jaise kuch h hi ni..summer m prblm bhut kam hoti h but winter m bhut jyada painful hoti h….kya mujhe surgery krwa leni chahiye

    1. treatment for chronic fissure is obviously surgery or kshar sutra… go for kshar sutra if possible.

  202. saleem ahmad Avatar
    saleem ahmad

    Sir mujhe kabhi kabhi sakht potty h. Ab guda ke undar jalan aur dukhan rahti h bahar se kuch nahi dikhai deta. Guda bhi sakht ho gayi h. Sir ye kya ho sakta h.

    1. ye fissure ho sakta hai… apna check up karaiye…

  203. Saleem Ahmad Avatar
    Saleem Ahmad

    sir meri guda me jalan aur dukhan rahti h.guda bhi shakt hone lagi h.ye kya ho skta h.

    1. ye piles, ya abscess kuch bhi ho sakta hai.. apna checkup karaiye…contact us at 9818069989

  204. Sir Mai female hu Kafi presn hu mujhe ni pta ki piles h ya fisure Mera pet saf ni hota theek se gas bnti h dva chal rhi five months se gas ki lekin mujhe piles ki samsya kafi tym se presan kr rhi guda me khujili hoti h Humesa mal tite aane pr blood aa jata h smjh ni aata kya kru

    1. piles aur fissure dono me hi blood ata hai… aap 9818069989 par contact karke humse mil sakte hain… aapko dekhkar hi hum kisi decision par pahuch sakte hain… aur aapki samasya ka samadhan bata sakte hain

  205. Sir.. me jab potty karta tho potty me khoon nekrata hai

    1. aapko doctor ko dikhane ki jaroorat hai….aap 9818069989 par contact kar sakte hain.

  206. Pintu kumar Avatar
    Pintu kumar

    Sir mujhe 1 year se fissure ka problem hai aur mai bahut sara medicine karwaya nahi thik hua ab maine anal dilation karwaya(figure se anus ko dhila kar dena) bhir bhi thik nahi hua…ab kiya kare.24 hour jalan rahti hai.koi method hai jisse thik ho jaye abhi tag nahi hua hai.my no.7053646264

    1. You can contact us at 9818069989.

  207. Rehana sultana Avatar
    Rehana sultana

    Sir mujhe fisur ki taklif do saal se h mujhe abhi tak kou sahi upchar nhi mila aap hi kou marg dikhaye me kota Rajasthan se hu yha pr kisko dikhau

    1. Dear, we do not have any branch in kota, try and find out some kshar sutra specialist near you… Or you can contact us at 9818069989

  208. Manav saini Avatar
    Manav saini

    Sir maine fisher ka operation karaya hai abhi yo kya ye dobara ho skta hai???

    1. Ji sir, ho sakta hai, constipation hoga to dobara ho sakta hai

  209. Twinkle agrawal Avatar
    Twinkle agrawal

    Sir y problem mere husband ko hui hai unhe 2mahine phle piles hua tha to uska ghav nahi bhara raha tha to humne ayurved dr. Ko dikhaya jinhone bataya hai ki unhe fissure hai to unhone to dahi lene se mana kiya h and isme kitna time lagega thik hone ko ?

    1. Normally it takes about 3-4 weeks to heal anal fissure but may take longer times in Chronic Fissure. Dahi can be taken in day time without any hesitation.

  210. Dear Doctor
    When I was 7-8 Years old I had this sort of pain (Jalan) in anal area.
    When I became 18 Year Older then I first felt that, On very tight Potty, I was getting this pain and Jalan, It remained for 2 years in intermittent manner, not on continuous basis.

    At the Age of 23 I started feeling that something was growing nearby anal outside area with intermittent pain and jalan till I entered 27.

    But, When I am 27 Years of age, it has turned into severe pain and jalan during defecation/stool,
    which I am not able to bear, because it remains for the entire day and I unable to do my daily activities. And, that Grown part is now very significant nearby anal area, and gives too much pain on touch.
    Irresistible pain/Jalan happens entire day.

    Kindly help me out. It is Fissure what I could guess, but what stage fissure it is, because it gives the ultimate pain and jalan in that area and also to significant grown up part nearby anal.

    and please let me know If it can treated by Operation/Surgery. I will definitely choose one of these.
    let me tell you I Don’t have Constipation Probelm……..Now daily I preay fro the God that it must be a normal day instead of Paining day.

    But atleast let me know,
    what exactly it is ???
    Is surgery enough for it ???
    Which body part Specialized doctor I need to visit for this ??????
    How much time surgery take approximately ??????? and
    how much it will last ?????????
    Will surgery /Operation last to cure entire life ???????

    Kindly tell me , I i wll be thankful to you

    1. Dear, your complaints suggest that you are having Fissure with sentinel tag… But any absolute diagnosis can be made only after looking at the condition personally… Now if we talk about solution of your problem, kshar sutra is the best option… Contact some Ayurvedic kshar sutra specialist or contact us at 9818069989

  211. Really very nice information
    keep it up good work

  212. Mayank chauhan Avatar
    Mayank chauhan

    Mere anus wali line ki jgh k aas pas thodi si itching nd kbhi jalan hti h to.iske ky symptoms h sir??

    1. Thoda aur specific batayiye… Samajh nahi aa raha hai ke aap puch rahe hai, ya bata rahe hai…

  213. Faizan Avatar

    Sir fissure ki starting h. Ilaj me kitna kharcha aa jyga aapke clinic me

    1. Sir aap ek bar Fissure ko dikha lijiye… Uski condition dekh kar hi aapko kuch bhi bataya ja sakta hai… Ho sakta hai ke jyada kuch karna hi na pade

  214. Sir mujhe fissure ya piles h mujhe pata nhi h sir mai bhut pareshan hu 5ya 6saal se ek ek mahine ke baad mujhe aisy problem aati h lekin thik hoti h lekin is baar to 2mahine hue h thik nhi hui h sir. Doctor ne mujhe gilistics naam ki tube diya tha usse wo thik hota tha lekin ab nhi hota sandas ki jagha pe se mass bhi bahar aaya h bhut khatarnak taklif hoti h sir. Jab sandas ko jata hu sandas to mujhe saaf hota h lekin sandas karne baad bhut taklif hoti h 30min ta rehti taklif kbhi kbhi khoon girta h kya kru sir

    1. Aapki complaint se aisa lagta hai jaise aapko Fissure hua hai… Lekin kuch bhi diagnosis banane se pahle isey dekhna bahut jaroori hai…. Aap hame 9818069989 pe contact kar sakte hain

  215. Sir main 8 day se fishar ya fistula se pareshaan hu mal dawar me 1ya1.5 mm ke gaath hai or thoda se Maas se bahar aata hai .fresh hote samay jalan or kaate jaisa lag ta hai . Medicine Dr se dawai li English medicine . AAP mujhe bataye ki yeh Bina sirjury ke thick ho ta hai ki nahi

    1. Hello, aapki bimari ko bina dekhe nahi bataya ja sakta hai ke aapko kya hua hai… Agar Fissure ya piles hai bhi to uski severity ke upar hi bata sakte hain ke dawa se theek hoga ya nahi

  216. Subhash Avatar

    Sir mughe fisher hai lagbhag 8 month se.dr se checkup karaya hu.unhone bola dava Khao agar thik nahi hua to operation karna padega.kya ye diseases dava se Puri tarah thik ho jayega Kya?

    1. Ye bimari condition par depend karti Hai, dawa ke sath parhez bahut jaruri Hai… Agar condition jyada kharab Hai to operate karna hoga… Contact Karen 9818069989

      1. Santosh kumar singh Avatar
        Santosh kumar singh

        Kya fiseer me pus bhi niklta hai

        1. यदि फिशर में इंफेक्शन हो जाये तो पस आ सकता है।
          हमारे विशेषज्ञ डॉक्टरों से मिलने के लिये कॉल करें 9818069989


    Sir mujhe 2 month se gudaa me dard hota hai letrin jaane ke 1 hour ke baad dard hota hai 4 hour tak dard rahta hai 2 3 din per pus typ ka bhi girta hai pus niklane ke baad dard bahut had tak aaram ho gata hai upay batye ea kya hai

  218. Sir one months se gudha mai dard hota hai letring ke time yaa kabhi din Mai sir upay bataiye

    1. Aapko fissure ki problem ho Sakti hai.. iska proper check up karaye…
      Feel free to call us at +91-9818069989 to have an appointment with our doctor. Our address is;
      MAP NAVIGATION LINK IS; https://goo.gl/fgLc9p

  219. sir mujhe one months se mal tyag karte samay dard hata hai kabhi kabhi din Mai bhi dard hota hai Sir upay bataiye

    1. May be due to fissure. Do site bath with like warm water. Call 9818069989 for appointment.

  220. Sir mujhe 5 years se fistula h . Abhi m
    Trifla googal, curcumin,nirgun di oil., trifla churna use kr rha hu.pr aaram nhi mil rha h.kuch treatment btaye

    1. Sir fistula ,ek surgical condition hai. Iska ilaz sirf dawa se karna thoda muskil hai… 5 sal purana fistula kafi Gambhir ho Sakta hai… Aap hame 9818069989 par call Karen aur isey personally dikhaye

  221. Siddharth pandey Avatar
    Siddharth pandey

    Sir ji mujhe anal fissure hua hai lekin abhi dard kam hai lekin halka sa khoon aata hai

    1. Kindly plan a visit for check up. Call 7861888100 for appointment.

  222. Dileep kumar Avatar
    Dileep kumar

    Sir ji maine fissure aur piles ka operation krwaya hai kitne dino me puri trh theek ho jauga

    1. It takes about 20 to 30 days to heal completely.

  223. Shivanand Gupta Avatar
    Shivanand Gupta

    Sir namaskar
    Mera jab stool bahar hota hai to Bahut dard hai penic me Aur piche bhi
    Mera colostomy close huaa hai doctor Ne daltation ko bhi bola hai jo mai karta hu
    Lekin phir bhi dard nahi kam ho raha hai
    Iska karn Aur ilag btaye

    1. Kindly plan a visit for check up. Call 7861888100 for an appointment.

      1. Hi sir mera name pradip hai Sir muze 1 salae piels ki problem he mene doctor se checop karavaya fissure he esa kaha doctor ne Kay thik Ho sakatahe kitana kharacha aye ga

        1. Kindly plan a check up at our centre in Ghaziabad. Call at 9818069989 for more details.

  224. Sandeep Avatar

    Hello sir, mera name sandeep hai mere umar 36 hai mujhe 2sal 7 mahine pahle fissure ka problem hua mene ayurvedik college unanni or tibatiyan college karol bagh , delhi se usko aurwedik surgery karwaya. Uske baad me bilkul sahi ho gaya parantu mujhe jharkhand me malaria or dengu hua jiske ilaj k kuch din baad mere mal se phir thoda khoon dikhne laga or kabhi kabhi aane laga phir me fir se waha se ayurvedic hospital se dawai laya , jisme arsh kuthar, abhyarisht, jatyadi tel,chitrakadik gutuka or m svadishtavirechan shaamil hai or me inka upyog 1sal 6 mahine se lagbhag kar raha hu jab ye leta hu to sahi rahta hai lekin jab dawa khatam ho jati hai or chor deta hu to phir constipation ho jata hai , gas or pet saaf nahi hota or phir mal k saath kuch khoon dikhne lagta hai…
    Sir mere chinta ye hai ki kya yah kabhi thik ho payega ya kahi kuch aant wali koi or bimari ho gai ho or me yahi soch kar baitha rahu ki fissure/piles ka problem hi hoga…
    Kabhi kabhi mujhe ab aisa lagne laga hai kahi badi aant me koi cancer na ho gaya ho, ya ho jaye…
    Mujhe kya karna chaahiye, me is doran ch. Brahamprakash ayurvedik charak hospital , khera dabar, se ye dwai lata hu or waha k doctors ko dikhata hu …..
    Sir bas mujhe ye bataiye ki kya ye cancer ka roop le sakta hai kya.
    Ab mujhe gudda dwar k bich me se mal tyag karte samay jor lagane par kuch maas jaisa bahar niklta mahsoos hota hai or mal k saath kuch chipchipa safed padarth bhi aata hai…
    Kya ho sakta hai please help me sir…

    1. Only there are less than 1% to develop cancer from other ano-rectal disease. You can plan a visit at our place, please call at 9818069989 to have an appointment.

  225. Kasva Avatar

    Hlo sir
    2 3 din ho gye hai mera gudda geela rehta hai .. jb main isko touch krta hu to paani hawa k touch main aate he sookh jata hai
    Koi sujan nhi hai koi dard nhi yeh
    Yeh mere left gudda k pass hota hai
    Chipchipa ehsas hota hai

    1. It can be some abscess. Check up is necessary to confirm.

  226. Tarif husain Avatar
    Tarif husain

    Sir mujhe kafi tym se fisher he
    Operation bhi krwaya tha but success nhi hua
    Me bhut presan hu sir
    Meri help kro….

    1. Kindly call at 9818069989 for having an appointment.

  227. Sir mujhe mal karte samye khrish hoti hai or baad main 5-6 ghante tak dard rehta hai mughe pata nahi lag raha ye kya hai mujhe kisi bhi tarah ke koi mase nahi hai but guda ke ander kuch hai jese chot lag jane per hard maas aa jata hai vaise til jitne bade bade kai hai

  228. Pradeep Avatar

    Sir mujhe fissure ki problem hai or 2 ganth hai 1 ander or 1 bahar kya yeh ganth bina operation ke thik ho sakti hain. plz teel me

  229. Rachana Avatar

    Sir mujhe fissure or piles tha mene ksharsutra karwa liya 15 din ho gye lekin mujhe bhut burning or pain hota

    1. Pain will subside slowly. Rest can only be told after a check up. Thanks.

  230. Sir muje guda dwar ke right side ki nas me bahut jyada dard aur kante jesi chubhan hoti hai… Wo nas tight rhti h aur dard krti h stool jane ke baad me… Stool krte waqt dard nhi hota koi upay btaye plz 🙏🙏🙏🙏

    1. Kindly call at 9818069989 to have an appointment for check up and to plan treatment.

  231. Chhotu Avatar

    Sir muge fresh hote time jalan hoti h
    Or ani time jalan hoti rahti h

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